Viper Strike of the Mamba +Profane Bloom = bad combo

- play as occultist
- kill cursed enemy
- profane bloom triggers
- profane bloom hit boss
- boss poisoned by profane bloom
- can't damage boss with viper strike of the mamba because already poisoned by profane bloom..
- literally zdps for few seconds..

I suggest changing the skill's description and behavior:

- Cannot inflict Poison on Poisoned Enemies


+ Cannot inflict Poison on Poisoned Enemies by this Attack

Last edited by ryuukk33 on Aug 5, 2024, 12:00:38 PM
Last bumped on Aug 14, 2024, 4:22:19 AM
I quit the build already, i'll try again as a Trickster

I refuse to play it as Pathfinder, F~~~K flasks, seriously, fuck em

Viper Strike skill feels very nice to play tho, i have to say it out loud, still strike needs few tweaking, but dual wielding feels so good
Last edited by ryuukk33 on Aug 12, 2024, 12:42:13 PM
Just curious....what do you mean "f- flasks"? Do you not use flasks on any other builds?

Pathfinder exists so you CAN essentially ignore your flasks lol. Its the class people choose when they have the "f- flasks" feeling.

Every other class, minus MB, requires special flask babysitting or dedication.
jsuslak313 wrote:
Just curious....what do you mean "f- flasks"? Do you not use flasks on any other builds?

Pathfinder exists so you CAN essentially ignore your flasks lol. Its the class people choose when they have the "f- flasks" feeling.

Every other class, minus MB, requires special flask babysitting or dedication.

The idea of "press 1,2,3,4,5" (even just once) and max out your res, max out your armor, max out your evasion, max out your damage, and on top of that get a prolif buff is R______D

It is a dumb design that makes me want to not touch this game

I play games to overcome difficulty, to feel my character grow in power as i play and find cool new items / crafts, i refuse to embrace shit design, because it makes GGG balance their game around shit design, and as a result, the game i love, ends up becoming a giant bloated mess with shit design that's no longer fun
^ you not use flasks on your other characters? Because your hatred of flasks seems to have nothing to do with Pathfinder, but rather flasks as a whole design.

I'm fine with that being the problem, flasks definitely have too much power. But that isn't a pathfinder issue. You get far more power out of flasks NOT being a pathfinder, but at least pathfinder gets rid of the tedium.

And lets be clear: you don't max out anything by popping a flask. You get a hefty bonus, but the real power comes from the build and the flasks only add to it (except in unique circumstances). It is the MAGEBLOOD that maxes things out, an item no pathfinder is ever going to use.

just your hatred!
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Aug 12, 2024, 2:51:23 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:
^ you not use flasks on your other characters? Because your hatred of flasks seems to have nothing to do with Pathfinder, but rather flasks as a whole design.

I'm fine with that being the problem, flasks definitely have too much power. But that isn't a pathfinder issue. You get far more power out of flasks NOT being a pathfinder, but at least pathfinder gets rid of the tedium.

And lets be clear: you don't max out anything by popping a flask. You get a hefty bonus, but the real power comes from the build and the flasks only add to it (except in unique circumstances). It is the MAGEBLOOD that maxes things out, an item no pathfinder is ever going to use.

just your hatred!

It's not mageblood, it is the flask system

Mageblood is the symptom

And when you dig, you find many other flaws

Overall it is their design philosophy that is wrong

They develop their game like it is a turn based RPG

Every action ends up becoming a multiplier

Same with curses, same with totems and now same with tinctures

The foundation of PoE's combat is poor, it doesn't respect your gear, and it doesn't respect player's skills

Hopefully PoE's 2 WASD based combat solves that, or rather, helps GGG figure out good balanced combat

Ever wondered why every weapon type feel the same and just doesn't matter at all? yeah right, they put focus on something else ;)
Last edited by ryuukk33 on Aug 13, 2024, 4:30:29 AM
the way i see it viper strike of the mamba does ONE thing great and one thing only.

HUGE ASS poison on a single attack.

typically people use the cluster jewel that gives 300% increased poison damage on enemies not poisoned.

other ideas include

100% crit against full life enemies, which can be paired with dagger mastery for 150% crit multi against full life enemies and perfect agony.

alchemist mark to "double" your poison damage.

increasing poison duration (capitalize from first hit longer)

decreasing poison duration/make poisons faster and add sadism so that you do a lot of poison damage in a very short amount of time.

mamba strike is working as intended.

tho i really dont like mamba strike and prefer the regular version.

you either have huge ass single hit mamba strike or viper strike just becomes better.
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I don't even know what this thread is complaining about.

Transfig Viper Strike + Profane Bloom = bad combo.

Okay? Probably? So don't do that, literally nobody is making you and absolutely nothing about Viper Strike screams "Occultist" anyway so it's not even like this combo made sense to begin with.

But now flasks are the problem, somehow?

just dont get any global chance to poison then?

this is such a trivial problem to solve
Last edited by auspexa on Aug 13, 2024, 6:07:52 AM
I don't even know what this thread is complaining about.

Transfig Viper Strike + Profane Bloom = bad combo.

Okay? Probably? So don't do that, literally nobody is making you and absolutely nothing about Viper Strike screams "Occultist" anyway so it's not even like this combo made sense to begin with.

But now flasks are the problem, somehow?


The point is giving opportunities to play the build in different ways

Not just Pathfinder, not just poison prolif, not just binos, not just flasks

Is this PoE or D3?

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