Reduce Enemy Block Chance While Using a Sword
dammit. u figured out my build. im conpletely usless against u.
im not going to lie, reduced enemy block chance passivesr definately a psssive that is reallly strong for sometjing thatd not even a keystone. however, I think its pree fair if u r to look at the skills that require certain weapons for example, almost every melee skill, if not all is accesible by weapons like a mace, whereas a ssord is only limited to things like double strike, dual strike, etc. im pree sure if u were to have a tanky maura that uses a mace with glacial hammer will beat a tanky maura that uses an ele/phy sword with reduc block chance due to the number of elemental stasues glacial hammer can cause, along with how good the bonus from a quality gem is skills like double sttike or heavy strike that is used by sword users only get attack speed with quality that is easily accesible thru passives or items it all evens out in the end imo I dont think passives like this r unbalanced if u account for the lack of skills that sword has edit: also, ppl r always under the mindset, "more atk speed is always better since it increases my dps" or shit like that. what ppl fail to understand is that bonus attack speed sometimes is useless or has a drawback in certain situatoons. for example, due to the mechanixs of the game as of now, a xharacter does not move along with the enemy they hit with a skill until the full animatoon of the skill is done. for heacy dtrike, no matter how fast ur attack speed iz, due to the knockback, u cant fully utilize the attack speed since u have to walk towards them to be in range -Official creator of the Low Level PvP Thread -Unofficial Path of Exile PvP site Temporary: Official: (Not completed) Last edited by LePvPMaster#7254 on Apr 25, 2013, 12:28:05 PM
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I just think that its pretty powerful for its location on the tree. Way too powerful for 3 nodes. if it was like 5 nodes or somewhere u had to venture off on the tree accessible by more classes, I think it would be legit.
A tanky mara with a 1 hand mace for LLD lvl 28 imo would NEVER beat your build, or mine. I have fought a few dual perma curse maras who use ele weakness and EEQ as well as glacial hammer to try to perma freeze/temp chains players. Seemed really effective but the 2 hander left them to exposed. The sword skills along with your blood magic gem, cleave or double strike, and 5 link chest, wake of destruction, and high regen, + resolute technique is insanely powerful. The 3 nodes in reality almost increases your dps vs a shield user by 50%. 50% more increased damage for 3 non cornerstone nodes? I dont think there is even a cornerstone that comes 33% within of that effectiveness, which imo is why its somewhat broken. I am not saying it should be removed, but definitely adjusted a little bit. I have come up with a build that I dont think will get run over by the ele sword shield combo if it ever happened, but it would be one of those fights based on who has the most warding flasks, movement speed, quality temp chains, health regen, and who runs away during flask uses the best....this just creates annoying pvp I think. IF any style of pvper should get nodes to reduce enemies block rate it should be bow. Bows already have a hard time hitting at low levels unless u wanna use a quill rain or unique ammy. Plus, bows cant have any block chance. The reason I call sword out is because u can build HUGE block, scale all your damage from gear, scale your mana(health) easily next to the nodes, and tear through other shield chars. Pretty much one of the only viable builds against this build Imo is the same build. I dont think a crit phys sword build would ever compete with blood magic multistrike ele cleave. When I think about making a phys sword build to counter this build I realize how useless it would be. I still wanna hear from GGG what the official calculation is for the reduction and block rateeeeeeeee pleeeasssseeee! I Stream PvP THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Apr 25, 2013, 2:26:57 PM
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u mkse it sound like u tested out the mace vs sword
please look up a 20% glacial hammer with a 20% added cild dmg and see the chance to freeze or chill on hit usin both cthulu and wandlust or dream fragmebts will take away so nuch forn ur other stats ull lose but once again, ure #1 hc so what do I know ure conpletely right abouylt everythng so disregard everything I said -Official creator of the Low Level PvP Thread -Unofficial Path of Exile PvP site Temporary: Official: (Not completed) |
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" dont know why u get so offended talking about theory. not once did I claim to know more than you or claimed u were wrong. So many cry babies who cant just talk about the game. those builds could perma freeze u but would be countered by anti chill items and freeze items. Theres a shield and a unique pair of boots that would do the trick fairly easy. I think even if they could freeze another tanky mara their dps would be so low it would take forever to kill them. BTW I carry these antifreeze items with me to every 1v1. I Stream PvP THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Apr 25, 2013, 2:17:33 PM
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" u clearly fully rejected my idea by sayin NEVER which clearly means ure right im wrong. also, theres no antichill item yet but potions. and using those antifreese items like wanderlust and dream frsgments take away so much other stats that a tank maurauder needs. but ure rght,I just dislike ur theories cuz all u do is talk bout it but nver ever try to prove it so stuff u say doesnt mean shit ti me nemore -Official creator of the Low Level PvP Thread -Unofficial Path of Exile PvP site Temporary: Official: (Not completed) |
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Maybe you two should calm down :) The thread has some valid questions regarding the mechanics of those nodes, stay on topic. I've send Mark a PM about it, let's hope he'll find time to answer.
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about it being -45 or .45
-Official creator of the Low Level PvP Thread -Unofficial Path of Exile PvP site Temporary: Official: (Not completed) |
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Man, I haven' t seen this stat in ages.
After some investigation, it turns out this one was missed during the big standardisation of stat descriptions, and as such it's description does not match it's functionality - it's not a % reduction to block chance, it's a subtraction. Quarl and I agree this is probably too powerful, and the functionality will be being changed to match the wording, such that it's actually reducing the block chance by a percentage of it's value, not just subtracting 85% (if you get both clusters). Thanks to everyone for bringing this to my attention so we could fix it. Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Apr 25, 2013, 6:55:51 PM
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" Why nerf this? This is only of the only counters to a pure block build in pvp. The others being traps and RF. Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
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agreed , nothing will stand a chance against block builds. i can virtally sit there and dps and they don't die.
IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
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