3.25.0b Patch Notes (restartless)

Heboss wrote:
Same every time they patch the game I have to completely reinstall it.....

If it's you and not a lot of other people, then you can guess what the answer is. It's you and/or your PC.
Fix GFN please, with last patch it doesn't work :(
Finally my delve not blocked again.

Updated the Shipping Risk information to clarify that Risk does not affect the chance for Crew member to be lost, or for your Ship to be Commandeered.

-Then what does the risk mean? for example why would i want to avoid or force the interaction with a 100% risk bar, or a 0-20% bar?
Mandy96 wrote:
Reduced the damage of most Wildwood Ritual Monsters, most notably the chaos damage they deal.
-- awesome :D :D :D

"Reduced the damage of most Wildwood Ritual Monsters (by 1%), most notably the chaos damage they deal (by 2.5%)"

Seriously, why they didn't give us numbers...
New mute system is terrible - no trade...
Fixed a bug where you could not hold Ctrl + Left-Click (or the console equivalent) to reapply socket and quality currencies.

Gold within pickup range is now automatically picked up when you teleport away through means such as Flicker Strike.

Thank you from frostblink enjoyer.
Updated the Shipping Risk information to clarify that Risk does not affect the chance for Crew member to be lost, or for your Ship to be Commandeered.

So what does risk increase the chance of, then?
Awesome patch!
Please give us option to enchant tinctures with autouse on cd like normal flasks, kinda boring press 2 buttons every 8 seconds

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