3.25 | Cold Snap of Power Archmage Hiero | 15mil DPS | 100k+ EHP | League Starter PoB

The Light of Meaning is very pricy around 18 div
ancientmind wrote:
The Light of Meaning is very pricy around 18 div

it's not mendatory, it's an endgame option, you can get a regular jewel with life, mana, crit multi, any dmg mod.
Last edited by PrettyCasual on Aug 13, 2024, 4:34:42 AM
Great build, absolutely enjoying it so far!
Just a small correction: In the pob you're mistaking cruel and merciless lab.
Thank you for your effort!
Hello fellow snappers, this build is proving to be pretty good! The damage scales very well into the end T16 maps so far and probably T17 currently but I'm too squishy to run those yet lol
I've been focusing on the spell suppression/elemental ailment immunities part of the build recently and found the you can anoint the Quickstep notable for pretty cheap and get 100% Spell Suppression without using the flask. Could be cool if you want another flask slot over a power charge because even with 8 charges the build feels pretty strong

Been enjoying the build! its fun seeing everybody freeze, but im having trouble reaching 100% spell suppression. I see in the PoB that you have 100%, is that with the flask? i have good rolls on helm, boots, chest and gloves but i only reach 91%. My dexterity is pretty low but i cant really get any better right now.

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