Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

this league will be fire my guys
Why kill battlemages cry?
Slayer login! Carn was right all along lol.
Last edited by Magenta_Blue#3341 on Jul 18, 2024, 10:10:09 PM
That's some wall-o-text!

Found some spelling errors:

Retailation -> Retaliation
upadted -> updated
Stronboxes -> Strongboxes
Mirrow -> Mirror

GGG Killed my melee cyclone build by removing the physical damage on the gem. I am so sad. I spent many currencies on this build.
Last edited by Matt_Exile#3270 on Jul 18, 2024, 10:06:19 PM
Y'all on top of the fact that The Taming is busted with 50 shock stacks on new Warden ascendancy?
Will totem taunt be added back as a mastery? It seems there there are no sources of this left in the game now that its gone from chieftain.
Nerfing champion that way, and nerfing juggs ele as armor is insane to me.
Why buff endurance charges if you're just going to take it away from something else?

I really hope the champion change doesn't make it in the game, because that basically makes the class garbage now.

Jugg is still fine with the endurance charge change, but basically you end up almost in the same position, but need a lot of endurance charges to make up for it?

Feels pretty awful.
This league is hype af. Keep cooking and take my money.

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