PoeFomo tool that lets you receive trade notifications on your phone

Hi guys!

I wanted to present the tool i came up with that lets you get notifications on your phone (android for now) when you get a notification ingame. There are some other functions like quick response from your phone to the trader saying "be with you in 2 mins" and similar.

The main use of the tool is being notified about trades when you are away from your pc; for example i sold 1 mirror boots yesterday while cooking lunch, which i had listed for 4 days and i would've 100% missed it otherwise.

you can check more about the app here in the reddit post

App is released on discord atm:

Everything that app does is 1:1 user action to server action so app should be 100% compatible with PoE rules.
Also, if this is not the place to post this, please move it wherever it should be.

So far i have done some things on the todo list:

1. A list of all trade requests in the past x hours listed in the mobile app DONE

2. A filter for notifications based on price/tab name/etc

3. A potential way to disable afk status through your phone (so not automated therefor not bannable) DONE

4. Potentially an option to do the entire trade through mobile app ( i will try to contact ggg regarding the legitimacy of this) this has been shut down by GGG rep

5. Potentially send a quick reply on a press of a button in mobile app to tell the other person to wait a sec until you get to your PC DONE
Last edited by azkv on Oct 10, 2024, 7:53:22 AM
Last bumped on Oct 10, 2024, 7:54:17 AM
Pretty cool.
Pretty badass idea man. Nice job hope it pans out.
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder
GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer

3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life.
thanks guys, i've been using it for 5 days now, it's pretty useful if you are not playing 24/7.
just wanted to share with community :)
I tried it, very useful when i am not at my computer.
however you need to add more options to pm other players through mobile


"Can you please wait a little bit i am away from computer"

Venezuela es mi barrio, y odio mi barrio.
Amante de las abejas🐝
Devils advocate here - why do I need an app to tell me someone wants to trade when I'm not in game and cant make the trade anyway?
superbomb1967 wrote:
Devils advocate here - why do I need an app to tell me someone wants to trade when I'm not in game and cant make the trade anyway?

For this you need the other app called POEMOFO

(joke, i wasn't there)
superbomb1967 wrote:
Devils advocate here - why do I need an app to tell me someone wants to trade when I'm not in game and cant make the trade anyway?

the idea came to me when i was cooking lunch, and then again later when i was watching a movie, and playing with kids etc.
i got very annoyed when i would come back to my pc after some time and notice i had 20+ trade requests that i missed.

What i do now with this app is i just go about anything i have to do in the day, when a notification pops up i send the user a message i'll be with them in 2 mins, go to my pc, do the sale, go back to my work.

sold 800div boots yesterday that were listed for ~10 days and i couldnt sell them because of 3-4 missed trade requests..

also, im working on remote control through mobile app which would literally let you do the trade from wherever you are, waiting on GGG to confirm this would be legal tho before releasing it
This gives me create-a-problem-so-you-can-sell-the-solution vibes.

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