Please turn ALL "Informatic" and UI MTX into "Extra Effect MTX"

Dozer72 wrote:
That's just wrong. That's like saying if you are experienced enough you don't need pob. It's true to the extent that you are missing out on a lot of very useful information to help with decision making.


You're comparing apples and pears.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
I am currently in a pickle.
The new Kirac Vault Pass is yet again another piece on what this thread is about.
The "How many uniques killed" is a feature I have to sacrifice my helmet for.
I can't use ring MTX because I have to currency/walk counter. I can't use proper Map Device and already have to decide if I want to count White/Yellow/Red/T17 maps or the new type of map (Why can't I count both?).

Now I also have to sacrifice my helmet to something absolutely offtopic to my character to count the unique kills.

Please STOP this madness.
Please make those MTX an UNLOCK I always have active via the extra MTX.
Please use for your guides instead of pastebin!
This needs to be addressed.
We are soon having stat-MTX for all slots and we stat-lovers are unable to use ANY other MTX because stats only get tracked while wearing stat MTX. If you add a third stat ring, we're already a state which is bad.

Please MOVE the stats already and always count them. If you put them into the "Extra Effect"-Folder you can even make them clickable to enable and disable the tracking for the very few cases a player might not want to track something.
Please use for your guides instead of pastebin!
I do like butterflies effect that follows character lika long line of... things .. of Fae wings mtx from vi last lootbox.. but i do not like actual wings..

I want em separated.
Last edited by E_luna on Aug 10, 2024, 7:02:09 AM
Still very relevant with the new Kirac Items
Please use for your guides instead of pastebin!
Please do acknowledge this
Please use for your guides instead of pastebin!
Please use for your guides instead of pastebin!
There should be a weird woman in a tough caravan with a bit of a howl's moving castle and potion seller witch/hag (zelda) vibe, think thick wood interesting charming things going on, that you only see the arms of her because she has a 'security shutter', a screen like cashiers have. Maybe a very small hole in it you see her sit up to look through occasionally --

Anyway, to take your MTX and combine them if possible (the best parts, possibly leave something out?). 2 max I guess. Pilferfoot. New visual of their combination. Takes 5 - 50 minutes.

Situate her in a grotto off The Coast. New area. Go through a winding trail to reach it. Situated half buried and built reinforced against the base of a soft cliff.

That's my idea for presentation and solution.
Last edited by Dylan_Schreiner on Aug 30, 2024, 11:43:16 PM

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