3.24.2 Patch Notes

MLGonthorian wrote:
Hossedos wrote:
GGG your problem with wording and terminology is getting worse recently, WTH is "..a quarter chance to be .." on Torment Scarab of Possession ?! is it 25%, is it 0.25% ?

From the way I understand it, it's a base chance of 25% that cannot be multiplied by any other modifiers. That's why they worded it that way.

Thanks, but.. are u sure? because we still have cases where same warding and even same sentence did not mean the same thing.
no one already playing this league, worst league ever, why you still keep updating this dead body XD?
Great, still no buffs to bad league mechanic when the league is hemorrhaging players.

Standard with extra steps.

Make normal content viable and not just gigabrain juiced strats.

Make league mechanic have loot explosion when you collect corpses.

Make league mechanic only require half amount of corpses to craft items.

Such a bad league GGG, you really missed the mark and there's no changes to reward those who stuck around.
Nerf group play loot. How annoying is it, that an ARPG meta is to play in a group of 6, making solo players effort to farm invalid?
I guess after several more hotfixes GGG will give up and completely remove either party quant or item rarity bonus in 3.25. There is no way to balance around it. While this exists, every GGG's attempt to add something with "reward" word in it will be either abuse or joke.

These new scarabs are an obvious attempt to bring back Affliction's player retention but in a weird way, like devs sat down and tried to figure out why people played 3.23 more. "It's because they liked to make monsters harder to have more loot from them! Add new scarabs that say difficult & rewarding! Stretch scarab tab even more like it's hentai girl!"

But what can be _difficult_ for 6-party when they loot so much that they can afford the best gear in the game? What can be _rewarding_ if party players already made "chase" uniques worthless? I'm happy to see 10x Chaos stack on leaguestart, not so happy now when I know that parties drop Mageblood almost every map.

I bet party players don't make you bank because they turn off their MTX anyway to avoid crashes. Allow them to have this last league of "fun" and remove party quant or make it affect only currency drops up to a Divine orb.

There should be no such thing as reliable T0 unique / div card drop in the game. Open your eyes GGG, it's the chase that keeps people playing, not the result, remove the chase for an average player and the game is dead.

Come on people, we somehow managed to be heard in Kalandra, we can do it again.
Remove party quant!
Last edited by natural183 on Apr 24, 2024, 4:49:48 AM
how unfair for other players that start the season late to nerf so much the loot?
And still no functionality on the trade site to search by "monster name"?
There's "corpse type" but not name? do you people not realise you added this ("Requires at least # other corpses of the same monster name) to the game?
Delete quantity/rarity bonuses for party players
Deliverme wrote:
Picked up over 50 div on the ground...

Nice for you! I've only had 2 natural div drops...

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