Please bring back Trials of The Ancestors as an endgame mechanic for PoE1 !

PoE2 announcement was really cool GGG, and in the Q&A it was mentioned 3.26 will launch end of February. Plenty of time bring back TOTA to PoE1 !! Please GGG!
I still stand by bringing it back to PoE1 after a balance pass so it doesn't require a niche 0dps build to push past low hundreds rank.

Fingers crossed it's a trial for PoE2. The combat style would actually work for that league.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
I still stand by bringing it back to PoE1 after a balance pass so it doesn't require a niche 0dps build to push past low hundreds rank.

Fingers crossed it's a trial for PoE2. The combat style would actually work for that league.

I will be genuinely surprised if this does not prove to be the case. From what they told us in the reveal, all of the ascension options are based on one of the major Ethnostates of Wraeclast. The Poe1 Lab is Ezomyr, they said Sanctum 2 represents the Maraketh, and Ultimatum represents the Vaal. I don't know who's left other than the Karui, so TotA makes too much sense for it to be anything else.
PoE2 beta has been released and while it's got its own pros and cons... we still await for TOTA in PoE1 !!
Happy Holidays folks.... let us pray that we see TOTA in the new year!
Happy New Years folks! Let us pray we get TOTA back in 2025!
TOTA... never forgotten in our hearts.
Pretty much EVERY single mini-game expansion is great. This is because it substitutes game knowledge for grind for profit. On top of that, mini-game expansions spur build diversity, as new characters are created specifically for the content, allowing for more avenues of wealth generation and therefore a better spread of wealth across the player base.


It's actually odd that TotA hasn't been added. It had great player retention and actually late league spikes that surpassed Settlers, which started with 60,000 more players.

I tend to think all mini-game leagues are vastly underrated, they add entire dimensions to the game, instead of the semi-sporadic augmentations to relatively repetitive mapping. TotA should absolutely be part of the core game.
GGG, we see that message to PoE1 players. We forgive you for the delay of 3.26 if you bring TOTA back as a core mechanic.
ToTa was horrible, please dont

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