Oscillating Sceptre missing from "Creates an Experimented Weapon" Craft

I experienced this issue as well.
An Update if this is intended or indeed a bug would be appreciated. Very frustrating for SSF especially
Problem is still there, can we get any update on it?
Just filled my graveyard with bodies to craft my oscillating sceptre and its not an option in SSF. Now I get to either waste 100% of my corpses I collected, or not be able to use the graveyard the entire league waiting for a bug fix. I literally spent all day working towards this craft...

Thanks for your report, we're looking into this.
Last edited by Jatin_GGG on Apr 8, 2024, 9:30:18 PM
I know the game has lots of bugs that needs fixing but this is literally game breaking for people who have put bodies in the ground. I basically can't interact with the league mechanic at all. And now I can't even attempt to craft other parts of my gear until this is fixed. Please get this hotfixed asap.

Just an update approaching 1k bodies. Starting quad tab 4, haven't been able to use the new league mechanic since lvl 75, currently lvl 94. I know i might come off as frustred, but after also experiencing the nameless sear not spawning bug, and this which could be fixed in like 45 minutes, I am beyond frustrated.

Jatin_GGG wrote:
Thanks for your report, we're looking into this.

Been a while guys - any update?

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