What We're Working On

W Changes. Nice and fast evalution of the current state of the game.
W neon

blaculahax wrote:
>CTRL+F "T17"
>404 not found

shut up, nerd.
make me
N1mruzaN wrote:
The long weekend here unfortunately cost us the capability to respond to larger changes as fast as we'd like and a huge lesson going forward is to make sure we don't deploy expansions on public holiday weekends as we don't have the personnel available to make changes as fast as we want.

It would be enough to do any prior tests before the league starts. I really have no idea how someone could approve the league mechanic in this form before release..

isn't every league like this tho? rush and pretend-apologize later?
o wow GGG pans on fire. its super rare to see post like that :D
I would WAY rather have a new league without major changes over a holiday weekend than a new league with major weekend changes on a regular weekend.

That's just my two cents.
Choosing base? LOGIN dude
"End of March makes 3 months and 21 days which is almost 4 months and not 3 1/2, get your math right hoho."
Just wondering when a forced mechanism was a success so you decided to make it even worse.
Again just wondering where a craft only league was a success so you decided to make it incredibly complex crafting league.
Again just wondering who balanced this league.
Any player can test and tell you it is horribly balanced.
16 week cycle and what we got is one of the worst league mechanic ever
I just want an option to opt out of the league mechanic. It is so annoying.
I just want an option to opt out of the league mechanic. It is so annoying.

When a league starts bothering me, I just go Standard SSF... until the league gets fixed, or I get sick of SSF and delete the character. Ahh, vicious cycles.
Still missing the change to be able to opt out of the mechanic when we want to.

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