Collection of additions/ changes to the campaign
exists, as de99ial pointed out.

This thread seems to be obsolete now.

I've seen no thread so far and I know, most people hate the campaign and never bother to spend more time in there than necessary.

Anyway, does anyone know if there is a collection thread or something somewhere?
Like the hidden strongbox in A1 Prison, the new deserted camp where Piety waits for you in Prisoner's Gate, the Legion Monolith before the prison, the gem room in Chamber of Sins... stuff like that.

No one so far posted anything that a collection was going on, so let's do it here:

Act 1

  • Submerged Passage: Room full of electric jellyfish
  • Flooded Depth: Boss always trapped in an Essence
  • The Climb: Legion Monolith next to Lioneye's Standart
  • Upper Prison: "Hidden" Chemist's Strongbox, switch to open the wall
  • Prisoner's Gate: Piety now runs from a camp (cosmetic)
  • Ship Graveyard: Pirate Treasure, containing Tormented Spirits
  • Ship Graveyard Cave: Exits directly to Fairgraves now

Act 2

  • Chamber of Sins 2: Room with scattered random skill and support gems
  • Northern Forest: Now has Rituals
  • Dread Thicket: Also has Rituals
  • Vaal Ruins: Corruption Altar that lets you corrupt items/ gems
  • Caverns: Need to find a secret passage to the crafting recipe

Additions welcome.


Act 1

  • Ledge: Not as linear anymore, more places for goats to jump at you

Act 2

  • Anywhere(?)(Confirmed: Crossroads, The Riverways): Breaches
  • Crossroads: Guaranteed(?) Breach in the temple ruins next to Bravalo's mill
  • Fellsrhine Ruins: Three accessible tombs with a devotional statue, that can be activated by clicking but doesn't do anything immediately.
  • Fellshrine Ruins: New mini boss "The Forgotten Daughter" right before entering the Crypt. Only(?) appears when you have activated the three devotional statues in the tombs mentioned above.
  • Northern Forest and Dread Thicket: Also has Wildwood monsters now (no whisps, though)

Act 3

  • Sewers: Mushrooms! You can find Cassia and a Blight encounter now.

Act 8

  • Grand Promenade: A closed door with a mosaic of Lunaris and Solaris in front of it. Open when you stepped on the following two flagstone switches.
  • Solaris Temple: A flagstone with the sign of Solaris (similar to the one you get in the Twilight Temple unique map to choose which boss to fight)
  • Lunaris Temple: Like in Solaris Temple, but with a Lunaris flagstone
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
Last edited by Mikrotherion on Aug 7, 2024, 1:32:10 AM
Last bumped on Aug 8, 2024, 1:18:59 AM
Temple "vaal item" shrine in Vaal ruins gave me Vaal RoA, exactly what I needed. Very cool addition!
The corrupted altar somewhere in Act 2 (forgot the name of that area where the darkness happens)
where is this deserter's camp in prisoner's gate? i've searched the entire zone and found nothing
where is this deserter's camp in prisoner's gate? i've searched the entire zone and found nothing

Just in front of the gate that Piety closes before your nose.
They put up a few barricades, an empty cauldron and stuff like that.
If that isn't new, sorry. I realized it for the first time this league.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
oh, i had interpreted yer post to mean piety was there to be spoken to.
I'm only up to Act 5, but additions not mentioned yet:

-giant enemy crab is now in an essence crystal
-secret passage to get to the crafting recipe in A2 Caverns

Things I'm not sure are new because it's entirely possible I just ran past them last league:
-room of electric jellyfish things in Submerged Passage
-haunted pirate boss in Ship Graveyard
-some kind of fire explosions on the path to the Sceptre of God entrance in the Gardens (I thought maybe it was a rogue exile I killed without seeing, but it also seemed like it could be supposed to be attacks coming from the tower).

I also had the Burning Man appear in Mines 2 as well as Mines 3, I don't know if that was setup for something I didn't otherwise see, or just a bug :)
Last edited by GusTheCrocodile on Mar 31, 2024, 6:31:00 PM

I also had the Burning Man appear in Mines 2 as well as Mines 3, I don't know if that was setup for something I didn't otherwise see, or just a bug :)

This seems to be a bug.
I had Pikerivet in Mines 1 and 2, and the Burning Man running around freely in the same instance of Mines 2 (but no Hammerstorm next to Deshret's soul) + where he usually resides.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
Did they give Piety passive hp regen? I noticed her healing
I found 3 rogue exiles in act 2 in the broken bridge, they were non agro and with a chest of treasure next to them, when you open the treasure they become agro, don't know if this already existed but is the first time I see it

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