Do you think that Warcries should exert Travel skills by default?

I wish GGG would make it so that warcries do not exert travel skills by default.
We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
Last bumped on Mar 25, 2024, 7:02:44 PM
I usually make this thread every league begging for this but nothing ever changes. There is zero reason Leap slam should exert an attack by default.. its a movement skill.
To answer the question: "No, obviously Leap Slam should not consume your exerted attacks."

However, I have a follow up question:

Why is anyone still using leap slam? I don't care what build you're playing, you should be using flame dash.

Why is anyone still using leap slam? I don't care what build you're playing, you should be using flame dash.

100% because of D2/D3 history. Barbs leap...its their thing. Regardless of the actual functionality limitations, the rpg-ness makes players want to LEAP, not dash.

Speaking as someone who is well aware of all the leap slam issues and the fact that flame dash is just straight up the same skill....yet better at everything leap slam does.

It's not always about the numbers, functionality, defense, etc. Sometimes it actually DOES come down to playing a ROLE. That's why heavy strike still exists, or sweep, or <insert weak build>. You just can't expect everyone to go with what is strictly the better choice.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Mar 22, 2024, 9:46:09 PM
because leap slam doesnt have a recharge time

you want to move ONCE, sure flame dash/frostblink are great.

you want to move across the whole map? leapslam.
Last edited by Thror2k5 on Mar 22, 2024, 9:45:36 PM
Thror2k5 wrote:
because leap slam doesnt have a recharge time

you want to move ONCE, sure flame dash/frostblink are great.

you want to move across the whole map? leapslam.

Back in 2018, maybe. Now? Absolutely not. Leap Slam has a mandatory minimum attack time which means crossing the full width of your screen ALWAYS takes about a second, no matter how much attack speed you have. People who aren't even stacking flask effect cover double that easily just with a properly rolled quicksilver flask.

But even that is completely beside the point of, leap slam does not let you travel through attacks without taking damage which is enough to instantly disqualify it forever as a viable option. So even in a nonsense hypothetical where you have to cross 4 cliffs or gaps in a row without stopping to fight anything, you would still need to ALSO have Flame Dash equipped to your build for bosses. And at that point... why waste the sockets? Just use flame dash.
Thror2k5 wrote:
because leap slam doesnt have a recharge time

you want to move ONCE, sure flame dash/frostblink are great.

you want to move across the whole map? leapslam.

Back in 2018, maybe. Now? Absolutely not. Leap Slam has a mandatory minimum attack time which means crossing the full width of your screen ALWAYS takes about a second, no matter how much attack speed you have. People who aren't even stacking flask effect cover double that easily just with a properly rolled quicksilver flask.

But even that is completely beside the point of, leap slam does not let you travel through attacks without taking damage which is enough to instantly disqualify it forever as a viable option. So even in a nonsense hypothetical where you have to cross 4 cliffs or gaps in a row without stopping to fight anything, you would still need to ALSO have Flame Dash equipped to your build for bosses. And at that point... why waste the sockets? Just use flame dash.

You're wrong, leap slam + frostblink is a far superior combo. Go do shaper on hc with flame dash on a melee then do it with frostblink. you will get beamed with flame dash and do less dps. You need leap slam as a gap closer in addition to. This is especially aggravated if you're using multistrike.

Same thing will happen in places like simulacrum if you use spell echo.

Frostblink saves lives i promise you.
^completely missed the point lol.....despite some particular unique situations where frostblink is better than flame dash is totally irrelevant to this thread which is dealing with LEAP SLAM lol.

Even in your example, leap slam is still useless and should not be used. The "combo" you describe is strictly better if you were to remove leap slam entirely and ONLY use frostblink.
i think warcries by default should not exert travel skills and the node on the tree should be there to allow them to exert them.

99% of people dont want their travel skill to eat an exert, the people going out of their way to specialise into something here should be the 1%, not essentially "everybody".

this is the sort of thing where you just look at it and think wtf is going on? all these violins for melee threads, "ggg hates melee", loads of exaggeration and sob stories, but then you see something like this and think yeah, why the hell is that a thing? with all this endless outcry about melee how has common sense here not been applied? its just this tax on melee builds they shouldnt have to pay but it just feels like no one cares enough to properly consider it?

i feel like its the same with fortify. ggg invented fortify because melee needed a buff and then decided in order to get it melee have to sacrifice other things so its no longer a buff its just a trade off.

the one time they seriously buffed melee in a patch i think it was the very next league they turned around and said self cast spells are underperforming and then buffed them all to be better than melee again.

totems came up recently but no changes made it to this balance cycle? but why? more important stuff was done right? like adding trans gems for bows and spells?

among the endless hyperbole we see from hardcore melee fans in the forum we have to admit they do actually have a point sometimes.

jsuslak313 wrote:
^completely missed the point lol.....despite some particular unique situations where frostblink is better than flame dash is totally irrelevant to this thread which is dealing with LEAP SLAM lol.

Even in your example, leap slam is still useless and should not be used. The "combo" you describe is strictly better if you were to remove leap slam entirely and ONLY use frostblink.

I didn't miss any point. he said there was no reason to use leap slam

Obviously someone has never played melee if they don't think they need a gap closer and an instant blink. Flame dash is neither of those. Again if you look at the shaper example during intermission phase. whats better leap slam + frostblink or flame dash?

You can't argue that flame dash and leap slam are the same things, use flame dash 2x in a row, it feels terrible. Now try flame dash 20x in a row, wont work. Now leap slam 20x in a row. Flame dash is actually the trash skill. You're just stuck with it when you're a bow enjoyer unless you use that blink arrow thing that idk what it does.

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