MORBID - Looking to recruit active mature gamers for softcore trade SETTLERS OF KALGUUR league
IGN: RFGayming
Disc: whitebread345 Been playing off and on since 2013. Looking to play this league for around 2 months then probably will stop for a bit. |
IGN: Svinjchica
Disc: sent a friend request to HuskeryFloof cca 10 minutes ago. I am a relatively new player, started playing actively this year. I am online almost every day since Necropolis came out. Please give me a ping on Disc for a chat. BR, AT. |
-IGN: PutThisBussyInACoffin
-Discord: rypteq -Experience 3996 hours ingame, i would say I am mid level knowledge. I am looking to get into endgame crafting, uber bossing, and completing challenges! |
BUMP :) recruiting once again for the new league!