What Will Happen When Affliction League Ends

I expected the whisp power to go because loot was so broken and not good for overall game.

I thought you were going to keep the side ascendancies and make the game harder in another way, cause that extra ascendancy power was countered by how hard the whisps made maps.

I am ok with all the power creep going away, because I expect you guys to experiment putting it elsewhere in a new league anyway.

As someone who is a philosophy nerd, I will miss the league where we met 3 characters with conflicting philosophies and as we learned from them their philosophies about life it changed our power in the game.

Maybe you could find a way to bring back these characters and bring back the wildwood with the whisps doing something other than boring magic find.

I think harvest would be way cooler if it was removed and you just chased the harvest crafting juice in the wildwood instead. Maybe put harvest mobs in the wildwood.

I guess some of the harvest boss fights would be lost. Maybe you can put harvest bosses in the wildwood?

I always felt harvest was fun for crafting, but outside of crafting it was not the most fun league mechanic for fighting enemies.


I forgot to mention that yellow tier 4 harvest boss fight is a really awesome boss fight. Hard as hell but amazing. But what I mean is move everything to the wildwood including boss fights.
Last edited by killodoggy on Mar 13, 2024, 11:10:58 PM
glad it's over. this league was garbage. mirrors need to be able to be broken into shards (realistic. it's a mirror), TFT needs to be shut down, and tier 7 map meta needs to end.
i stopped playing 1 months ago
First time playing in a league and I had fun. I've played Diablo since its first release, and D4 killed it for me. Long live POE!

I understand that the league mechanic is too troublesome, not only for the looting and market aspect, but also for the builds' mechanics in the future.

However, I do really want to plea with the GGG team to reconsider the decisions on deleting Wildwood Ascendancies, Charms and Tinctures decision.

The access to the Wildwood is the "main gate" here for the problems.

Please let the characters of this Affliction league keep their Wildwood Ascendancies, Charms and Tinctures.

If the access to the Wildwood is no longer available after this league, it will solve all of the problems of the Wildwood.

If allowed to keep their Ascendancies and corresponding Wildwood items, Affliction league characters will still have their Ascendency. But they will be stuck with the one they chose on league end. Because they can no longer enter the Wildwood.

Current Standard characters and future characters cannot benefit from the Charms and Tinctures, in any way possible. Because they have no access to the Wildwoods to acquire the 3 Wildwood Ascendancies.

Only the characters that were played in this league, that opened their Wildwood Ascendency can use these items.
great league!
At least bring the corpses back [Removed by Support]. They were the absolute best addition to the game from Affliction. Rebalance the ones that need it but bring them back!
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief; because there will be so much to look forward to.
Last edited by Scott_GGG on Mar 14, 2024, 12:08:20 AM
That is Brutal!

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