Best SFF build with minimal number of buttons

Thanks. I better remove the Chaos Mastery branch from my passive tree. I thought you needed chaos damage for that character but it looks like I need pure physical.
Allo Allo9922 wrote:
What is the best (in your opinion) SFF build that uses as little buttons as possible?
I play on Xbox so at the moment RF Juggernaut was great option for me as only used few buttons. However from what I read so far that's not a great SFF build.
Also, it's not a great build for higher tier maps.

It's fine for SSF
I’m int the end of act 4 at the moment and the thing I noticed with SSF is that there are very few yellow and brown drops. Also, there are not many orb drops. Is this normal? I was expecting better drops than in regular league but it’s quite the opposite.

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