Let us disable Annoying sounds in town

Yes for the love of god, "FEEEEEEDDDDDD MEEEEEEEEEE" every 4 seconds? Like wtf. I should have to disable other sounds to stop this!
Get over it!
Last edited by Heartgrave on Apr 2, 2024, 9:37:55 AM
I'll pay $60.00 USD for an MTX that either allows me to turn off the volume of other MTX or outright kills the Goblins for a few minutes.

If you make the goblins die in a titanic splatter of gore, I'll pay $90.00 USD.

would you really pay all that money? lol
Heywoody wrote:
sowozup wrote:

Well, you're wrong. I never play muted, but I use the goblin pet fairly often and spend most of my time in hideout and town, trading. I like the little guys. I think they're kind of cute and I don't find the music annoying.

Btw my goal is not to annoy people. If i wanted to annoy people in town with MTX sounds there are other, far more annoying ways to do it (which I will not disclose).

Thats kind off the point.

Everyone should be aloud to hear what they want to hear, its your good right when you payed money and like them play and sing.

The problem is that anyone who dont like them, get forced to hear them too.

It's definitly not the fault from the buyer, but from GGG to put them out that way.
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
would you really pay all that money? lol

I've paid GGG thousands so far... what's 60.00-90.00 more?

Two hours of my workday is a very small price to pay for a "Goblin Slayer" MTX that assassinates Goblins.

Last edited by Sabranic_SilverDeth on Apr 2, 2024, 6:55:12 PM
Agreed. Fresh league and running through the campaign with trolls and their pets afk in towns purely to annoy you, why?! (Maybe it's so people will hear the pets and buy the supporter pack? ..Really, by annoying everyone?! that's the tactic??)
Disable other players pets ...and mtx would also be great, disable the ENORMOUS flying horse blocking my entire screen because someone else is using that pet, rip fps
Edit: removed swear word
Last edited by SvanYo on Apr 3, 2024, 11:47:33 AM
Take my money GGG!

Goblin Slayer MTX!!!
Why are you even sitting in town? Mute sound if you dont like it
+1 for this - I end up muting sound whenever I'm in Rogue Harbour.
Running heists fully zoomed in... because
Bracks_ZA wrote:
Why are you even sitting in town? Mute sound if you dont like it

I may be a weirdo, but I greatly enjoy the music and ambient effects of Path of Exile. GGG did a superb job with both. The Goblins quickly wreck this immersion.

I would consider this game's music on par with the likes of Kenji Ito and Nobuo Uematsu. They've found a way to keep the various musical scores memorable with recognizable themes, and epic as well.

Very few companies can do this these days. Adgio, Gautier, Ulf and Kamil are rocking the score of this game.

Rocking it.

Fight me!!!
Last edited by Sabranic_SilverDeth on Apr 7, 2024, 3:42:09 PM
Bracks_ZA wrote:
Why are you even sitting in town? Mute sound if you dont like it

a lot of times you can hear the singing while your loading into town. the audio already loads before the town.

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