Transfigured Gems Part 3

Omar1x1 wrote:
These new transfigured gems not having vaal versions, or working with them, is a huge nerf to mage skeletons. And really any build that relied on a threshold jewel to augment a vaal skill.

The interaction was already there, can it please be brought back?

All of them can vaal
some of gems are laughable,like spectres 30 sec we supose to play them?spawn random mobs,or waste 3 mins of spawning corpses to sumone right monsters and play for 30 sec and then agen summon?this flying zombie skill,wtf u eat before making somthing like this?3x reapers,whats the point?you will spend all time by summoning reapers coz they die nonstop.skeleton gem,how you will scale dmg for warriors and archers?1 need spalsh 2 need multi projectiles.lot of gems are failed.many got some potentional.
Lol what is up with that flame golem, looks like perfect meme food !
So I'm assuming we're going to get one more release tomorrow for some or all of the gems not shown the past few days?
Gouf_Custom wrote:
So I'm assuming we're going to get one more release tomorrow for some or all of the gems not shown the past few days?

I would expect so? They haven't shown a Transfigured Dark Pact yet and I'm really hoping it's something cool.
felrasha wrote:
Omar1x1 wrote:
These new transfigured gems not having vaal versions, or working with them, is a huge nerf to mage skeletons. And really any build that relied on a threshold jewel to augment a vaal skill.

The interaction was already there, can it please be brought back?

All of them can vaal

They will vaal into the base version. So for example if I have a vaal summon mage skeletons and I use the vaal skill it will summon melee skeletons instead of skeleton mages. And now my 5 support gems are not being used at all because they were for elemental projectiles.

Previously with the threshold jewels vaal summon skeletons would summon mages which was huge for damage.

Unless I misunderstood this would love a clarification of how vaal skills interact with transfigured gems.
question: did each skill get a similar amount of attention? id hate to see the underused ones be looked past (especially my favourite ones 😅) when the helm enchants and alternate gems werent big or thematically different

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