Content Update 3.23.0 -- Path of Exile: Affliction

Some gems were changed, not all
Last edited by Vizkevod on Dec 8, 2023, 10:21:46 AM
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
I am so excited to play this league! This is a fabulous idea, the gem changes are making my head spin. BTW, I loved ToTA as well, hope you bring it back soon!

Hands down the best game on the planet right now - kudos (and mad love) to you all.
I'm disgusted, all the divergent, anomalous, phantasmal gems that we had such a hard time getting, you killed them!

Once again, you abused the nerfs and there you have spoiled lots of gems just to impose your new versions on us and you do not take into account the time players spent to obtain them.

Frankly, I'm happy for you to add things, adapt others, but deleting what we really had trouble getting is nonsense!

That we can't get any more, okay, but changing them to normal is severely unfair!

If the new gems replace the ones you destroyed, why not have converted the one we already had would have been a little fairer!

Because some people want to play in standard and they have a life outside of the game and don't necessarily have the time to start again every league!

I don't say thank you!
"The Ashes of the Stars Unique Amulet no longer provides 10-20% increased Reservation Efficiency of Skills. Existing items can be updated with a Divine Orb and a momentary lapse in judgement."

Thought this was pretty funny, even if sad..

Just fix the crush issue .. ffs
Looking forward to the league as a noob :D
Last edited by Anthrn1 on Dec 8, 2023, 4:23:24 PM
Only way I can describe this from the perspective of someone who plays in standard is that you absolutely spat in my face. For all the time and effort I put into my characters and the (substantial amount of money I did spent in support of the game) - you single handledly destroyed my characters and showed a complete lack of respect for players in standard that cant or dont want to start over in each league.

All the time and all the currency and all the mechanics - gone in one swift stroke and without even replacing them - you simply reverted all alternate quality gems to their base version and absolutely hammered those characters to oblivion.

While I loved the game I dont think I have the will to even try to play again, much less ever spend any money on it again.

Make changes ok, change some mechanics, but a blanket change that completely destroys the characters and the mechanics of builds like this - whats the point of building them again or others, you will do something like this again. No thanks.

If nothing else you have demonstrated an absolute lack of respect for your own players (at least those that play in standard). It was fun while it lasted but it just, abruptly stopped being fun.

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