Trial of the Ancestors Hideout and Wings and Back Attachment Sale

Looks like a cool hideout, i wonder if i'll get 1 shot in there too
That is a HUGE hideout
If you are going to move challenge rewards to the MTX store atleast make challenge rewards that are cool, instead of 4 reskins of the same armor outfit that lag up your game with their weapon effects.
Are you collecting money to fix graphic bug? or maybe lagging bug? or maybe some other of several currently present bugs? :)

If yes, please respond, I'd gladly donate in order to be able to play something more than ordinary map!
Finally my dream comes true to have this HO!
TatteredHat wrote:
If you are going to move challenge rewards to the MTX store atleast make challenge rewards that are cool, instead of 4 reskins of the same armor outfit that lag up your game with their weapon effects.

Actually, the tier 5 body armour has a nice character effect built-in. Don't know why GGG didn't show it in the reveal video, or said nothing about it anywhere.
This should have been the 38 challenge reward...

The challenge rewards this league are horrible and very low effort.

If this is going to the pattern where they give bad league rewards and then good looking paid league themed mtx - its a huge problem.

Sort yourselves out GGG.
Holy hell the hideout!!

Please tell me that awesome karui boat is a separate decoration, I can do stuff with it.
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What's ironic is every time I trade with another player, I have to travel to their Halls of the dead as everyone is apparently farming in there 24/7.

And yes, this should have been the 38 challenge reward. The beastmaster set seems a little flat compared to the chaosborn set of crucible (maybe that's just me)
Last edited by muzein#2324 on Sep 8, 2023, 6:35:46 AM

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