3.22.0b Patch Notes (restartless)

While I don't have FPS drops or bad performance, some maps are quite bad and not rendering properly.

On Caldera, many textures didn't load, and the final boss and his abilities were invisible.
Underground Sea map had missing textures/patches of terrain too.

On multiple maps Cassia was invisible, same for the towers but their invisibility was intermittent.

Never had these issues initially while early mapping.

Also, @Kieren_GGG, please leave Impending Doom as it is. It's like that for a long time, it's part of the game now. :)
Part of the crew, part of the ship.

kulili wrote:
Why was the brand-trap interaction killed mid-league, when it's something players have known about for a long time? Changes that gut my character's damage by more than 2/3 shouldn't be happening on 3 hours notice.

Because it's 100% a bug. This isn't a build kill, this is a bug fix. Abusing a bug as your build is 100% on you, as it was very obviously never intended.
olman wrote:
Navali is still giving 250 favour. I have restarted and downloaded the patch.

She gives 250 favor when you win and 500 when you lose.
June9 wrote:
So what happened to those duplicate disasters from Sanctum, was it fixed or not? I hope so, bcs the economy is kinda ruined after that crap.

In what way is the economy ruined? It looks completely fine to me, divines are still near the 200c mark they were last league, and everything at the moment is high value because it is still the first week of the league.

They resolved the issue by the way
ByteBlaze wrote:
kulili wrote:
Why was the brand-trap interaction killed mid-league, when it's something players have known about for a long time? Changes that gut my character's damage by more than 2/3 shouldn't be happening on 3 hours notice.

Because it's 100% a bug. This isn't a build kill, this is a bug fix. Abusing a bug as your build is 100% on you, as it was very obviously never intended.

Gamechanging "fixes" shouldn't happen mid-league, that's a nobrainer.
Last edited by WilliamCZE#1368 on Aug 24, 2023, 5:38:25 AM

what does that do though, what if that leads to bricking your pc[/quote]

the opposite, I overclock my CPU so I remove the limits, that's dangerous if you don't know what you are doing, default option is Auto which usually apply all limits intended for your CPU so you don't brick it.
ByteBlaze wrote:
June9 wrote:
So what happened to those duplicate disasters from Sanctum, was it fixed or not? I hope so, bcs the economy is kinda ruined after that crap.

In what way is the economy ruined? It looks completely fine to me, divines are still near the 200c mark they were last league, and everything at the moment is high value because it is still the first week of the league.

They resolved the issue by the way

It's cool if the problem is solved, I just quite misunderstood what they wrote in the patch bcs to me it looks like they removed "abuse device", and just re-enabled it back, sry it's kinda silly from me.
Is it now safe for Animate Guardians? Or do they still just get blown into oblivion?

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