[BDS] Small adult casual guild recruiting

Hey, what a great post! I'd love to join if you'll have me.
I am interested.
All invites should be sent.
hi super noob here interested in joining some adults to play this game with!
Looking for people to play with! Really want to group play but never happens, want to build an aurabot send me that discord link if you would like.
Last edited by Pandasteak#5638 on Nov 1, 2023, 1:43:07 AM
I'd be interested in joing this. Old & Slow player from the UK.
Hi, I'm interested in joining the guild. I play quite a lot, but I might skip the league occasionally.
Hey, this definitely seems like my kind of guild. Life can be very busy with work and all but when I can I've just been grinding PoE and seems like this guild would be a perfect fit. If y'all are still looking for players to add just lmk what info you need from me and I will provide it.

When replying, please PM me cause I have no clue how I would see a response to my message in a forum. Pretty new to PoE as a whole.
Last edited by Supernaafeh#5278 on Oct 31, 2023, 7:24:09 AM
I'm interested! I'm mostly a standard player but I'm interested even if it's just hanging out on voicechat.

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