innervation wrote:
I thought minion mains and Harvest Andys had the biggest persecution complex

Northern_Ronin wrote:
Thesuffering wrote:
a failed experiment.

This statement is perhaps one of my favorate "I don't understand things" statement I see in common usage.

Experiments can only fail if they corrupt their data via faulty implimentation.

Experiments by nature are for discovery. Your statement only implies that GGG failed to account for some testing factor that spoiled their results. Which I'd say you couldn't have knowledge of without being IN their dev team.

You could say you didn't like Gold, or even go on a limb and assume the community didn't like it (which is a loaded and biased assumption). But Ruthless with Gold still got that data, which was its entire goal. Particularly if it's goal was to find some of the hard edges for PoE2 so they could be handled as a live playtest prior to deeper unveiling for PoE2. But the data was still collected, and that's the ONLY point of experiments.

It's common use to describe something like that if it's used/implemented once, not popular, and then ripped out and never used/implemented again.
Another one for
Roll roll damage roll roll damage roll roll damage roll roll damage dead? (you or the monster)

That's what I got from the showcase.. it's okay for people that enjoy that I guess.
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.
And that's a good thing. Ruthless' biggest problem is the fact that gameplay is being withheld due to drop chances. Maps and side content shouldn't be locked behind nerfing yourself to be able to drop maps but rather the drop rates should be lowered even more to make up for getting sulphite every next map. PoE2 would probably fix that.

(Also needs more ways to make maps rare and corrupted for Atlas Passives)
Last edited by v2irus#3444 on Jul 29, 2023, 4:21:43 AM
Orca_Orcinus wrote:
Poe 2 will force you to play using the current Ruthless rules set, ie no movement skills, no drops, boss life reset etc.

100 devs is already a mind-numbing way to deal w updating Path of Exile, but having it be a Ruthless game mode will mean the same number of persons who participated last time around will put up w a permanent game.

Action games cannot have speedbumps, and Chris and the ********* they had on stage are hell-bent on ruining their cashcow, so more power to them

Imagine wasting 250 million USD on a game 14,000 people worldwide will play.

Famous last words.

poe2 showcase with bad gear and skills not powered up as they wanted to show combos.
poe1 2012 was slower than ruthless.
Now it isnt.

Seems you dont understand what they did
Imagine hating the game so much you have 36/40 challenges like the OP ! I don't know man, I think you need to solve some anger or mommy issues if you make a topic like that when ExileCon just started.
It would make it hard to go back to poe1 if the skill system remains clunky.
Xystre wrote:
Roll roll damage roll roll damage roll roll damage roll roll damage dead? (you or the monster)

That's what I got from the showcase.. it's okay for people that enjoy that I guess.

Okay. Actual question now.

What is the actual fucking difference between "use your dodge roll to avoid enemy attacks", which is apparently ENTIRELY UNACCEPTABLE FOREVER"...and using Shield Charge to zoom away from boss slams, which is so normal it's assumed to just be a thing every child on Earth is born knowing how to do?

People are bitching their unholy asses off over the Removal Of Movement Skills, and when Grinding Gear put a default movement skill into the game with the promise of ways to support and invest in that movement skill people pitched a neverending tantrum over it.

What the fuck. Is using mobility to get out of the impact zone of heavy enemy attacks acceptable or not?
1453R wrote:
Okay. Actual question now.

What is the actual fucking difference between "use your dodge roll to avoid enemy attacks", which is apparently ENTIRELY UNACCEPTABLE FOREVER"...and using Shield Charge to zoom away from boss slams, which is so normal it's assumed to just be a thing every child on Earth is born knowing how to do?

People are bitching their unholy asses off over the Removal Of Movement Skills, and when Grinding Gear put a default movement skill into the game with the promise of ways to support and invest in that movement skill people pitched a neverending tantrum over it.

What the fuck. Is using mobility to get out of the impact zone of heavy enemy attacks acceptable or not?

You've been "bitching" (your words, don't censor me GGG) about speed, some unknown religion that doesn't exist and people having fun for weeks. Now you don't like it?

The difference? In PoE 1 you can have enough defense or offense so you don't HAVE to roll anywhere, because PoE is a loot/gear based game more than it is a skill based game. That's where the comparisons to Dark Souls come from. To me, an old, slow dude, the idea of having to pay super-close attention to every single white pack, and having to dodge roll away from every other attack, seem VERY stressful and boring, and directly tiresome.

Now, that is of course somewhat hyperboling it, but you should be VERY accustomed to that from the way you form your opinions about people that likes PoE 1. The thing is, they went out of their way to show us a slow, difficult game where you HAD to roll out of danger "all" the time. So no one can really blame people for being somewhat skeptical about it.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.

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