why do people want the base game to be slower?

if its to zoomy for you now then... isnt that what ruthless is for?
i love the zoomy screen blasting gameplay. its very satisfying
Last bumped on Jul 1, 2023, 6:36:28 PM
Just because someone wants something that can at some level said to be associated with Ruthless (eg. "less zoomy") doesn't mean they'll like the specific details that define Ruthless.
if its to zoomy for you now then... isnt that what ruthless is for?
i love the zoomy screen blasting gameplay. its very satisfying

They want what they call "meaningful combat" where they fight fewer, tankier monsters for longer, like every other ARPG in existence. Letting PoE be PoE is apparently a taboo for a lot of people.

That said: The endgame zoom-zoom is likely not going anywhere (hopefully). But the road there might be a little bit slower with focus on combination gameplay, and the investment needed to get there. I can easily see that happening.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Phrazz wrote:

... like every other ARPG in existence.Letting PoE be PoE is apparently a taboo for a lot of people.

This is my issue with it and I coulnd't hate it more. I do not understand why PoE can't be different. Why should PoE suddenly change and adjust itself to an audience that doesn't have an overlap with it to begin with?

Currently it's the D4 "I can only play 30 minutes a week or my wife beats me"-audience. Before that it was the Lost Ark / WoW "why doesn't this game have dps meters or damage numbers or mounts"-people or the random copy & paste korean MMO "I need my P2W fix"-people.

My introduction to ARPGs was Diablo, back in the day. I remember the harrowing fight with The Butcher, a fight wherein the outcome was never sure, and a win was deeply satisfying. I get a bit of that feel from the Crucible fights in the current league, as well.

Some people want a fight; others just want to melt the opposition. Nothing wrong with either preference, so long as game balance favoring one doesn't mess the game up for the other end of the playerbase. =^[.]^=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Raycheetah wrote:
Some people want a fight; others just want to melt the opposition. Nothing wrong with either preference, so long as game balance favoring one doesn't mess the game up for the other end of the playerbase. =^[.]^=

...And I think PoE has both. For 'most'(?) players, a lot of the boss fights in the game are decent, interesting fights. I don't think the fact that PoE lets you invest to a point where these fights become possible meltdows takes anything away from that. The whole point of ARPGs (well, at least one of the points) is to become super powerful. It's all part of the progression - if you want.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
if its to zoomy for you now then... isnt that what ruthless is for?
i love the zoomy screen blasting gameplay. its very satisfying

There are several reason, blalance, visual clarity, more complex bosses, performance are the main ones that come to mind.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
Last edited by lagwin1980 on Jul 1, 2023, 8:14:41 AM
Could we stop pretending with the "Can't POE be different" bullshit? You don't really care about POE being different or not, all you care about is POE being the way you want it to be just like everyone else here and it just so happens to suit your tastes a bit more right now.

You people are so quick to forget that POE has changed a lot over the years. We wouldn't have had this topic 10 years ago because the game used to be slow as hell, it then devolved into a parkwalk simulator and now GGG is trying to slow it back down a bit. The people who want slow POE are right in saying they only want the original POE back, the people who want even more speed are right in saying they want the POE back they fell in love with and you have every right in saying you want to keep the status quo but there is no "right" form of POE only the versions you or others would like it to be.
Last edited by Baharoth15 on Jul 1, 2023, 8:20:37 AM
I think it's because the game needs to be designed from the ground up for this. GGG never designed it for this, it's the player base that pushes the boundaries of the game. It's the problem they've had for so many years since they started small. They could never gain control of how strong we truly got.

Obviously going faster is always better, more loot, more exp, more boss fights, etc. But every archetype isn't balanced around this and thus people can feel left out of this. The skill tree, skills, items, mechanics are all over the place in this game. And you see how quickly the community will turn on GGG over nerfs even if they are 1000% justified.

I can see them reigning this in but perhaps balancing it better when you start to invest more into your characters to pick up speed later in the endgame. Especially since they have a great track record for boss fights, leave those for the tougher long drawn out fights.
Game speed aside, saying Ruthless meets the need really misunderstands Ruthess. Ruthless slows the game down by attaching 50 anchors to everything. It nukes so many mechanics in the game and makes many builds hard to complete just through sheer unavailability of links and support gems -- and that barely describes the desolate nature of Ruthless.

It's fun to a point, but gets old very fast. It's slower than any version of POE that I ever recall playing by a lot both in progression and clear/movement speed.

It does a lot more than slow the character down and that is why it doesn't necessarily scratch the itch for some of the crowd that OP seems to reference.

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