Will I be able to play POE 1 after POE 2 is released.

exsea wrote:
once complete, the end game is shared.

This is important. We know that it's "shared", but we have no idea how that endgame will be, and if it's the "same" as we have now.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Phrazz wrote:
exsea wrote:
once complete, the end game is shared.

This is important. We know that it's "shared", but we have no idea how that endgame will be, and if it's the "same" as we have now.

whatever it is i hope it expands on what we currently have

i dont think ggg can deviate from it's tried and true end game too much at this point. it cant afford to have oldies get hyped for poe 2 and get turned off by the end game.

also i think ggg cant afford to change it during poe2 release. they need to gauge poe2's response first.

they dont want to be like blizzard where their "reforges" actively hurt their game retroactively
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exsea wrote:
la_blue_girl wrote:
We don't know yet. The whole dual campaign thing is 3,5 year old info at this point and we've seen very little updates since then(the Brutus rework being the big one).

I personally think the old campaign will at best be some legacy mode that you won't be able to play in current leagues.

actually we do know. unless GGG changed their stance.

u simply choose if u want to run poe1 or poe2 campaign with new characters.

once complete, the end game is shared.

that said. the entire gem/socketing system will be different so POE1 as we knew it would no longer exist. i m betting that leveling will feel better with poe2's new system.

Again, this is 3.5 year old info. Things change. We'll see in a few weeks tho. My bet is you won't be able to play the old campaign in current leagues.
exsea wrote:
whatever it is i hope it expands on what we currently have

i dont think ggg can deviate from it's tried and true end game too much at this point. it cant afford to have oldies get hyped for poe 2 and get turned off by the end game.

I agree. But I'm very excited to see what they'll do, because this "shared endgame" has to make sense from both sets of acts.

To me, PoE's endgame is its strongest area and where most players spend most of their time. In my eyes, they sort of have the winning tactic in that area already, and they even spiced it up with maybe the best addition to the game in years: The Atlas passive tree. It would be very strange for them to change it a lot. But I am hoping we'll see a lot of new tilsets, map bosses and maybe some new spice in between.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
la_blue_girl wrote:

Again, this is 3.5 year old info. Things change. We'll see in a few weeks tho. My bet is you won't be able to play the old campaign in current leagues.

yeah the info is real old, its becoming ancient. lol

my bet is ggg will allow players to play in old campaign for new leagues. theres no reason to "disable" poe1. theres no reason to nerf it. our old campaign worked for ages.

as i mentioned, GGG really should not make poe1 worse retroactively. heck, based on old info, if you wanted the old ascendancies in poe2 you need to have at least completed the old campaign once.

sure they would try to make poe2's campaign significantly a better experience and by comparion the original would be worse, but taking away league mechanics from poe 1 is a surefire way to have players getting upset.

i am a big proponent of choice in games. ggg would do well not to rob players of their choices. but yeah, all we're doing here is speculating off old data. just wait and see.
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xxxcobaltxxx wrote:
2 games with different campaign and with same end game system.

Shouldnt this be 1 game with 2 stories that leads to the same endgame
Lynerus wrote:
xxxcobaltxxx wrote:
2 games with different campaign and with same end game system.

Shouldnt this be 1 game with 2 stories that leads to the same endgame

Yes, that is exactly right.
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- Abraham Lincoln

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