[DEAD] Explode Totem Pathfinder

Hey! Is there any guide how to craft the weapon? Iv made rune dagger bases with explode and additional totem. How do i start - just spam essenses and craft double damage while focused? And what mods should i look first of all? Later then ill have shit tonn of currency i can try fracture +1 and craft the rest?

Also are u done with the league? Was trying to catch in game to ask couple questions :)
Last edited by d2.Tipo4eG#6085 on May 9, 2023, 11:34:49 PM
FunRoom wrote:
Fanvacancer wrote:
i dont know what is wrong with my build but if you could take a look i would appreciate it alot!

I think the main issue here is the anointment. Go grab Spiritual Aid first.

ty that was it, i still feel really squishy is there anything i can do about that?
Fanvacancer wrote:
FunRoom wrote:
Fanvacancer wrote:
i dont know what is wrong with my build but if you could take a look i would appreciate it alot!

I think the main issue here is the anointment. Go grab Spiritual Aid first.

ty that was it, i still feel really squishy is there anything i can do about that?

Yeah you can improve your gears. Your gloves, belt and boots has 0 life mod, maybe start working from there?
Right, just fire.
d2.Tipo4eG wrote:
Hey! Is there any guide how to craft the weapon? Iv made rune dagger bases with explode and additional totem. How do i start - just spam essenses and craft double damage while focused? And what mods should i look first of all? Later then ill have shit tonn of currency i can try fracture +1 and craft the rest?

Also are u done with the league? Was trying to catch in game to ask couple questions :)

Fear + 1 crafted mod is the cheap way to go. You should be fine with that for a long time. For endgame you can make some explode weapons and pour them onto a fractured +1 mod base, then fear and multimod. I will put a more detailed crafting guide for weapons in the front post.

I will not be online that frequently right now as most of my personal goals are reached. You may still be able to catch me in game from around 1pm-4pm UTC before Zelda launch.
Right, just fire.
Overall Fun thanks for the build I think it is really good. The one issue that I cannot wrap my head around is how are you able to stand in uber sirius storms. I touch even his degen for a second and I just die. If anyone has this same issue please give me some insight.

KaitoAku wrote:
Overall Fun thanks for the build I think it is really good. The one issue that I cannot wrap my head around is how are you able to stand in uber sirius storms. I touch even his degen for a second and I just die. If anyone has this same issue please give me some insight.


1. Your PoB says you have 20500 life recovery, that's pretty close to mine. Try force some points into Field Medicine cluster and see if there's any difference.

2. If you happened to use Supreme Decadence (since your energy shield needs recovery due to EB) then you will also need mind over matter for this to work. A quick method to check is to put on cloak of defiance.

3. The one last thing is to make sure you are not standing on those small ground degen patches (usually created when a meteor hits the ground) which disables your life recovery. This one is untankable for all builds, no exceptions.
Right, just fire.
ignore this :)
Last edited by lukeyp87#3679 on May 11, 2023, 6:52:42 AM
AintCare wrote:
Hi, what version (ascendancy) would be the best for bossing? I have 0 care about clear, I would just like something for bosses, to basically delete them.

I find all these version very confusing. Any recommendations would be very much appreciated.

Cold conversion has the best dps right now (up to 1B damage) so if you only care about bossing but not surviving you should do that.

Mine is built for doing all contents. It still kill ubers fairly fast (one shots most of them except exarch and eater, which need a few extra trap throwing time) but it can also do all other contents. The only thing I would not recommend with my build is legion 5-way.
Right, just fire.
Could u please check my pob cuz i dont get it why my life recovery is so low. yes i dont have watchers flask recovery with vitality. But my recovery is 7.5k when urs is over 20k.
Last edited by d2.Tipo4eG#6085 on May 11, 2023, 11:47:34 AM

Do i need the expensive flaks? Or am i doing antything wrong? Dmg is awsome. But i lack in defence

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