Chinese folders in game directory: Issues with loading filters and retaining settings changes

I was having similar issues to what was described by Reikara and others and was able to fix it so I thought I would describe what I did so that it hopefully might help some others.

I believe the issue was caused by attempting to remove OneDrive from my computer, which I decided to do because it was causing me some other issues. After unlinking my OneDrive account and uninstalling OneDrive, I began to have the issue described in this thread where my loot filters/config would not show in game (PoE2). If I went to the options page in game and clicked "Open Filter File Folder", it would create empty directories in ProgramFilesx86 with chinese/unicode characters in the directory path. If I attempted to store lootfilters to this location, they would not show in game.

I tried to fix this issue by making a new "Documents" folder in my User directory (c:\Users\(user name)\Documents) instead of the default windows location (c:\OneDrive\Documents). After doing this, if I hit the "Open Filter File Folder" button in game (while logged into a character), it would open the new documents folder I had just created. However, filters saved to this new location still did not show in game. Interestingly, if I hit the same button from the login screen, it would continue the previous behavior of creating new directories with chinese characters.

After reinstalling the game, the issue was still not resolved. The thing that I did to finally fix this issue was the following:

WARNING: This involves using registry editor, proceed at your own risk.

- Open Registry Editor
- Go to "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders"
- Find the entries that have any path containing "OneDrive" and change the paths to the new folders you created in your user directory
- Open Task Manager, click the Windows Explorer process and hit "Restart" on the bottom right
- Put your filter files into your new documents directory
- Log back into PoE and verify it works

Im not sure if there are potential issues with resolving the issue this way but at least it fixed the problem without requiring me to reinstall Windows. Maybe GGG can shed some more light on this issue (or at least let us customize filter folder location :)). Hopefully this helps, GL
Last edited by Crookie#5727 on Dec 16, 2024, 2:53:00 AM
Lazian#3488 wrote:
I just tried something and found the solution. I started a new session with Windows, and when I opened the game with that new session, the problem did not occur. It seems that the issue is related to the user files in Windows. The game cannot create a profile in the Documents folder and automatically creates new profile files in the directory where the game is installed.

-> Solved! It was also occured at POE2, but I solve thanks to you.
(Make a new Window session.)
Last edited by glassknee_AoE#3331 on Jan 18, 2025, 11:21:58 PM

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