[3.24]Herald of Agony CI -The dirty Scorpion-tail|2M EHP|Minion-Pathfinder|50-200M|Inbuilt Mageblood

ColeonePS wrote:
The Rares with the blue circle around them are fucking stupid unfair. They melt you immediatly and are incredibly fast. No way to counter their debuff.

They are rippy and though in early levels, yes.

With a watcher's eye es on hit and (divergent) storm burst you can facetank them easy.

Or use a (phantasmal) void shere to fix them in place cc.
Last edited by Chromino on Apr 16, 2023, 6:58:41 PM
Build is cool

edit- fixed issues
Last edited by zanetiawins on Apr 16, 2023, 9:21:57 PM
Chromino wrote:
yes, you get fast 100% minion-poisonchance withdarkness enthroned and ghastly jewels. So you are extreme flexible in the weapon-choice.

I already got an United in Dreams with a minion-tree inbuilt minion-unholy might - so that's equal to 5 passives and I enjoy this great forge.

On the shield I am searching for stormburst channelling a "gravity sphere". I guess it's equal to the void sphere, which is in the league-mechanic imba both for virulences as for interruptions/tankyness.

I picked up one of those for cheap too- I don't know if the damage is up but I think having 5 extra points is so worth that I'm probably going to go for it anyways for now.

I still have TONS of upgrading to do but already most juiced t16 is quite breezy- I think my next big project is going to ailment immunity. Not sure how I want to do that- do we have any inherent sources or are straight up starting from 0 and doing ancestral + boots + form with 100% suppress?

Edit: POBing right now shows united in dream is still a huge dps loss unfortunately- but I may take the hit if it means I can reach 100% suppress+ailment immmunity. I'll see, going forward.
Last edited by Budewnpa on Apr 16, 2023, 9:11:48 PM
Can anyone take a look at my build? Feel pretty tanky, but even with PoB saying my DPS should be decent I have a hard time with bosses. Pretty surprised so feel like I am missing something....
ColeonePS wrote:
The Rares with the blue circle around them are fucking stupid unfair. They melt you immediatly and are incredibly fast. No way to counter their debuff.

Note that it's only the circle itself that debuffs, if you get right up to them *inside* the circle you are OK.

Chromino wrote:
I already got an United in Dreams with a minion-tree inbuilt minion-unholy might - so that's equal to 5 passives and I enjoy this great forge.

Don't you lose out on a bunch of attack speed, move speed & Onslaught on kill too though? 5 points is still 5 points but it doesn't seem wasted there (except maybe for single target).
Last edited by King_Haart on Apr 17, 2023, 1:23:45 AM
Got shield / Chest / Flasks going.

Sad thing is, still feels to squishy for having to channel.

Watching a couple RF builds tank better / clear the map faster makes me look into re-rolling.

Not sure if i have something wrong ? or will it just take massive investment to get there.
SPYDER680 wrote:
Got shield / Chest / Flasks going.

Sad thing is, still feels to squishy for having to channel.

Watching a couple RF builds tank better / clear the map faster makes me look into re-rolling.

Not sure if i have something wrong ? or will it just take massive investment to get there.
It is finicky getting it going. I am still not 100% where I want it to be but once you get Skin of the Lords and good flasks it wakes the build up a TON. I am only at 50 virulences right now and I just flame dash and sit on anything I want. Quite nice lol.

I specced full Abyss also and feel this build is great for that. Just hit 94 without dying from 93-94 which felt solid also.

Looking at your build now and will edit post

Edit: The +1 from the Loyal, Empower, a +1 on your ammy, All white triads, and awakened void manipulation>Pierce (preference) are all what I would do and will be huge since all our damage is level scaling.

I just got HOAG to level 31 and it feels really nice now with only 50 virulences which is promising

What is your armor at? I am at 75k now flasked which is up 100% of time pretty much
Last edited by GunSm0k3d on Apr 17, 2023, 3:33:40 AM
Budewnpa wrote:
Chromino wrote:
yes, you get fast 100% minion-poisonchance withdarkness enthroned and ghastly jewels. So you are extreme flexible in the weapon-choice.

I already got an United in Dreams with a minion-tree inbuilt minion-unholy might - so that's equal to 5 passives and I enjoy this great forge.

On the shield I am searching for stormburst channelling a "gravity sphere". I guess it's equal to the void sphere, which is in the league-mechanic imba both for virulences as for interruptions/tankyness.

I picked up one of those for cheap too- I don't know if the damage is up but I think having 5 extra points is so worth that I'm probably going to go for it anyways for now.

I still have TONS of upgrading to do but already most juiced t16 is quite breezy- I think my next big project is going to ailment immunity. Not sure how I want to do that- do we have any inherent sources or are straight up starting from 0 and doing ancestral + boots + form with 100% suppress?

Edit: POBing right now shows united in dream is still a huge dps loss unfortunately- but I may take the hit if it means I can reach 100% suppress+ailment immmunity. I'll see, going forward.
I think I want to grab stormshroud when I can afford it :) I am feeling tanky too outside of the random ailement issue!
SPYDER680 wrote:
Got shield / Chest / Flasks going.

Sad thing is, still feels to squishy for having to channel.

Watching a couple RF builds tank better / clear the map faster makes me look into re-rolling.

Not sure if i have something wrong ? or will it just take massive investment to get there.

When pob calculates correct you need a better manamagement to use all defensive auras.

And you miss 100% spell suppression. 70% is very low...

Your gloves and your amulet don't have more needed stats like faster casting or skill efficiencies.

A watcher's eye with es on hit and spell suppression would be nice for facetanking...

Please check also the spoiler "checklist defences" for more missed recommended layers of defences.
Last edited by Chromino on Apr 17, 2023, 7:05:43 AM
klorin2 wrote:

Congratulations to full lvl 100 ColeonePS!

Well crawled and totally b.i.s. geared!

The helmet, boots and crucible weapon are awesome!

Last edited by Chromino on Apr 17, 2023, 7:14:09 AM

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