D4 had over 1 million closed beta access players, with multi-millions expected this weekend. Wow.
I cannot believe you took that bait on your SO lol. That guy is so bitter about everything, it should be of no surprise they wrote the following: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3344868 You don't have to be an FBI profiler to see what's going in with that post history. Admittedly its unfortunate, but also 100% not our problem. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Apr 22, 2023, 9:55:56 AM
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I give people way too many benefits of the doubt, DS44. And I take bait too easily. The lack of either trait would probably have seen me leave here long ago.
Funny story though: I glossed this episode over with her after I responded (she reallllly hates this place and for good reason), and she was like 'eh, it's not as weird as that time someone on the forum said I was your slave and a zombie of the Patriarchy because you told them I didn't find the boob-goddess on the life/mana globes offensive'. I'd forgotten all about that but she's right. That was kinda bonkers. Like a strange attempt at being an Ally but coming from a place of deeply-seated misogyny. Oddly enough, no one in her net circles doubt my existence, so I figure it's some weird carryover from male-dominated gaming communities? I dunno. Moving on then... __ It's a shame FFXVI will be a PS5 exclusive. I would have liked to see it go head-to-head with DIV in terms of sales, but being locked to one platform might prevent that. Street Fighter VI is multiplat, but my money (pun intended) is on DIV there. There are always quality fighting games on offer and fighting games are, in general, less 'accessible' than ARPGs, which tend to be the soft serve combination of two hard genres (A and RPG). That and SF6 is already being...questioned over its piecemeal release. Not so much 'classic Capcom' as 'current Capcom' and it's a shame to see them turn their flagship fighting IP into a cow like that. ToTK is also one platform so that'll probably not compete but it's possible. Lotta Switches out there, and LOTTA Zelda nuts. And Jedi Survivor is in the running -- normally I wouldn't consider it a contender but after playing all of Fallen Order (I rarely play through Souls-likes) I can see it garnering serious sales on landing. Plenty of ads for it at the cinema too, which is fitting given how cinematic the game/series is. Interesting times! Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires. Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on Apr 22, 2023, 9:41:40 PM
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Hah! Clearly fake; you’re even starting her name with the word Act, because it’s all an act
“Please understand that imposing strong negative views regarding our team on to other players when you are representing our most helpful forum posters is not appropriate.” — GGG 2022
---- I'm not 'Sarno' on Discord. I don't know who that is. |
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Yeah Jedi Survivor for sure. I won't be missing that.
Then some continued adventures with Wartales (which is great btw), some D4 beta, and then the 6/1 NA launch.
No Zelda for me
I only have one day to play D4 as I will be on vacation from 6/2-6/12. Brutal timing admittedly, but vacation was planned well before we knew the D4 launch date, and I'm looking forward to it. D4 will be waiting for me upon my return :) Then to try and manage some time in late June for FFXVI, but fortunately it doesn't look like to will be much beyond 80-100 hours or so at max so I'm not concerned. I will have my eye on PoE in July, more out of morbid curiosity than anything. My gut tells me it's going to be a mess, but let's see how it plays out. If Crucible was their longer developed 4 month league, that they finished early and had time to polish (their words), I can't imagine what state the PoE2 beta will be in. Edit: how could I forget Darkest Dungeon 2 on May 8th! (Steam) "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Apr 25, 2023, 12:41:47 PM
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Had a little looksee this morning. Zero queue or lag. Zelda effect+people got a decent taste last time.
Would be playing to test the changes (necro rebalance, gear rarity increase) but eh watching the SO find complete joy in Zelda while I read a book next to her is just too much fun. The midnight launch at our local games shop was fucking chaos. Easily 400 people. Nuts in this day and age for a single console single player game. But if we have learned anything this past month it's that Nintendo remains a massive household icon able to get a fucktonne of people off their arses for a few hours. Anyway, kinda predicted the slam wouldn't be much of one and I was right. Whether thats a good or bad thing...June will tell. The name says it all.
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Ha, they actually put impale in the game. Like literally, there is a skill which acts like call of steel. Pretty fun to use too.
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Even D3 is better than D4. I played necromancer in the latest beta, and it was shit. The pets were totally useless, and I ended up speccing into a blood build, and that's not how I wanted to play necro. I was hoping for an actual viable pet necromancer in this game, but I guess I'll have to go play Last Epoch for that.
Also, rogue does like 3-4x more DPS than any other class against the act boss, wtf? A shit geared rogue beats the next best class in DPS who's fully kitted with legendaries by at least double. Also, no shield based class? No Templar or Paladin? That would have been my next choice after necro. Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on May 14, 2023, 12:34:03 AM
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One thread on the topic is more than enough, Diabloski. It might as well be yours. You know the drill. Do not engage with elitist Exiles. Come on man.
So yeah, they went way too hard on the skelly nerf and I expect launch to be somewhere between the beta and the slam, going by the devs' reactive tendencies so far. I tried bone but sadly it's missing a key skill from d2: Bone Armor. Without that I just felt like a glass pea shooter. I do like the ability to sacrifice summoning to get significant buffs in other areas. This encouraged me to switch to Shadow and oh boy was that fun. Reap and sever are this nice mix of meleemancy and rule of cool ethereal ranged attacks. Definitely see myself playing a scythe necro once the game is out. Sadly there is no way I can kill Ashava on the OCE servers -- I see people but really just not that many. Zelda sold like crazycakes here so I am not surprised. And it is a huge fucking game. People won't be done with it in a weekend unless they speed run, which is like burning money for a game like that (unless it's your job in which case you have my sympathy -- not how I'd want to experience a massive open world game/masferclass in intuitive game design). Anyway it was nice to be back in Lilith's Sanctuary though. The game oozes polish on every important level. Contrary to some of the buttsticks around here, not every game needs to make you think. Indeed, I would argue a game should aspire to make you FEEL first. Gives the subsequent thinking meaning rather than doing it purely because...I dunno. Ego. Identity. Pride. Not things I would invest into any game let alone one that caters to selfishness and no-lifing but eh, to each their own. Another concept that eludes some Exiles, it seems. "This game doesn't please me therefore it sucks and anyone who enjoys it is a brainless mop" is about as far as most Exiles seem to get. Puerile but again, it's not like PoE really encourages positive behaviour at any point. Okies back to build #86 on Titty Quest. The name says it all. Last edited by 鬼殺し#7371 on May 14, 2023, 9:33:03 PM
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" So people are elitists cause they have a different feedback and opinion than you? Sound almost like you are a elitist person because you seem to expect others to share the same opinion as you do and agree fully to everything. But I mean in this case it would make every D4 player a elitist nephalem if they have a different or bad opinion about a different game :) works both ways lol Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. Last edited by Pashid#4643 on May 14, 2023, 10:30:11 PM
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The Sorcerer remains painfully untouched re balance but maybe there is something to be said for fun rather than outright efficiency. I really don't know -- the supremacy of ranged against bosses remains a big issue but unlike PoE DIV at least gives players other options for levelling and general gameplay. I found PoE's narrow viability a deal-breaker precisely because the game itself is very narrow (and ridiculously deep). If I have to play ranged to see all of DIV's shallow broadness, that's fine by me. As long as I can play something a bit more engaging somewhere in that huge world. :)
The name says it all.