Divorsed and using Poe as a relieve of depression..

Let pain flow through you and you will become somebody you never knew existed.
My condolences. I went through a breakup some time ago where she cheated on me also. She said I got boring. I was sad and eventually realized she was right - I did get boring.

I did a lot of personal life improvements which included strengthening the body and being with those close but I mostly focused on the mind aspect. 10 years later (now) Im writing a book on symbolism.

Maybe not focus on the things you didnt do but focus on the life that awaits you and how you can mold it into what you want. Make sure your kid knows everything is going to be fine and teach'em well.
We all have different ways of dealing with pain, sorrow, sadness and I hope youre able to transform them into happiness, joy and the sense of self fulfillment.

All will go well. Remember, being alone is being all one.
Youtube - PartTimeExile 80 in 30.

It will get better

Relationships always have this thing that they are overwhelmingly intense on 2 moments: The first few months, where feels everything is wonderfull and the world is peachy, and when they fall apart, either from breakup or death of partner, where it feels the world is crap and life is a waste of space and oxigen

But, like everything else in life, time softens the blow. Depending on circunstances, there will be scars, but in time, you move to acceptance and life goes on. Like death of close parents or death of children, it sucks, but its part of life to move on and keep living your life, just try to keep looking forward and dont forget the other stuff on your life that is still there

That said, fresh after divorce is not a good time to date, esp if you were the one being dumped. It tends to form toxic relationships as the new person is unconsciously a bit of a "replacement goldfish", a super bad start. Better to give some time to let the smoke clears and both head and hearth put the previous partner behind
Ivanovv83 wrote:
Divorsed with 1 kid , she ran off with some dud , and im using Path of exile as a stress relief.

Could use some tips to where nowdays people my age ( 40) date..

Most of the days i feel like nothing matters anymore and nothing brings me joy.

The literally only thing still interesting to me is building toons in this game.


not sure why you on probation... being divorced violates ToS? lol

From my perspective, the last thing you and your kid need right now is for you to start dating some rando from an app. Take few years off, take care of your kid man. Figure out what went wrong, and maybe eventually open up to a new relationship after you grew a bit. Prioritize your kid ffs.
It clearly wasn't for anything in this thread. I would elaborate but when I see a name like AintCare I figure...only if asked and even then probably not.

We were all very nice in this thread. It was nice.
The name says it all.
didn't realize this is some necro post. OP still pretty upset/salty looking at post history, hopefully the kid is doing ok

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