How is ruthless ssf going for u guys/girls? ^^

6_din_49 wrote:
Glubtal wrote:
I rushed to the "get 20 atlas points for free, but only small notes works" note, it really helped me getting most of the "2% for 1 tier higher maps" while still doing T1-T3 maps..
Isn't this only 18% chance for maps to be 1 tier higher? Is it enough to sustain yellow maps?
If you want sustain (of whatever tier) add as much Alva as possible. The '+1% chance to Alva' are probably much better than the '+2% chance to drop 1 tier higher'.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Teret3 wrote:
6_din_49 wrote:
Glubtal wrote:
I rushed to the "get 20 atlas points for free, but only small notes works" note, it really helped me getting most of the "2% for 1 tier higher maps" while still doing T1-T3 maps..
Isn't this only 18% chance for maps to be 1 tier higher? Is it enough to sustain yellow maps?

From my own playing experience, I can say that 18% is not enough, you need at least 30%, for at least some kind of sustain, preferably 40%+
At the top of the atlas there is also 15 small nodes "maps to be 1 tier higher", its another 30%. You can go this way to increase your chances.
But I did not take a significant passive skill for +20 points, because notable skills gives a lot.

Yes, I did get the "top-hat" and are running with 48% chance for maps to be 1 tier higher. Theres ofc other ways but for me at least its working fine.

I also have 48% increased rarity for maps, thats either not working or I misunderstood what it means. I thought it would give me better chances for magic/rare/unique maps, but that dont seem to be the case.
Yes, I did get the "top-hat" and are running with 48% chance for maps to be 1 tier higher. Theres ofc other ways but for me at least its working fine.

I also have 48% increased rarity for maps, thats either not working or I misunderstood what it means. I thought it would give me better chances for magic/rare/unique maps, but that dont seem to be the case.

I think, this should affect drop rate of magic/rare/unique maps:) Maybe you was just unlucky or more likely, the base chance of magic/rare/unique cards is very low and 48% is almost nothing.
Dont remember exactly, since I played 2 months ago, but it seems to me that with atlas leveling drops more magic or rare maps.
It isn't going too well, I spent my initial stash of maps to hit 75 and decided to end the event. At that point the mode plays like vanilla, only it's a bigger pain in the butt.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Found some good stuff:


And managed to climb to T14 maps

but probably will be back to yellows soon.

Last edited by 6_din_49 on Mar 30, 2023, 8:47:29 AM
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End of League soon, gear Artillery Ballista Raider:

Kills ~3M, Played 20 days ~7h. Not including previous RIPs, not much afk included. Lots of it Scanctum floor 1-3 which gave bad xp/h but had the perks of being safe and not requiring much concentration to play.


And RIP Blazing Salvo Hierophant @84 to running into some Blight mob/s - was instagibbed, no idea by what:
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Last edited by Zrevnur on Apr 1, 2023, 10:58:34 AM
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I completed the league with 48k dot dps on 3L @lvl 83, 116% IIR / 8% IIQ, reached T14 maps.


Passive Skill Tree:


Final atlas tree (55/132 passives):

Noticed that running maps rare with 20% quality, helps a lot with sustaining higher tier maps. However, you can't self-sustain alchs & chisels for all maps, so these should be saved for highest tier maps only.
Last edited by 6_din_49 on Apr 1, 2023, 3:53:06 PM
Playing Raider again. Plan is minion/selfcast hybrid. Currently its just caster but not really sure where exactly to go.
Crucible seems to be very tough or take a lot of repetitions to unravel a tree. And the feedback that the UI gives is really lacking - kind of alpha test level lacking. Like sometimes I channel and the bar/s in the UI show exactly nothing despite monsters coming up.

Got this early but neither crit mult nor ES are very useful for me:

Those +1 minimum endurance/frenzy charges which I havent crucibled yet - are quite powerful on shield:

Dropped nice boots - kind of better than the best I dropped last league:

And this may be useful maybe for some time if it got a good tree:
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!

Nothing to show yet, unless you count not having died.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
Found myself a goldrim today, very happy about that

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