The Forbidden Sanctum Challenge Rewards

Moonflyer wrote:

* A new form of Alva Temple - I cannot call this roguelike anything super-new.

First of all you need to know what roguelike is, reading your words you obviously dont know shit about it if you compare it with Alva's

During Incursion league players can choose which room they want and which they dont. Rooms are ALWAYS they same layout with the same rewards.

Forbidden Sanctum brings something 100% roguelike, random generated rooms with random rewards (which youre allowed to pick) with a boss on each floor.

Moonflyer wrote:
The only barely resembling strategic planning aspect (building a lake while planning 10-15 steps ahead) is gone again. Blind gambling on a next dungeon line's properties is not planning by any means.

Once again you're wrong, youre not blind gambling, youre allowed to see 2 or 3 rooms ahead so you can pick your path each time you complete a room. So yes, thats STILL planning.

You couldnt choose rewards in Kalandra most of the times, but you will be able here, did you forgot to mention that?

Moonflyer wrote:
No new items generation form in 3.20 so far.

You may need to shut up at this point, its the best for you.

No, just one more thing.

Moonflyer wrote:
Kinda thinking the same thing. 3.20 looks to me like a weird combo of nothing new and a bit of way too much experimental stuff.

First league they REMOVE archnemesis of the game, and you complain about this league being too much experimental.

How can they experiment if theres "nothing new"?

Last edited by Riverwind77#5126 on Dec 7, 2022, 3:38:35 AM
40/40 totem is the best reword anything else is just a extra bonus in my opinion
It’s a pity that only a set and a trophy can be obtained, and this set does not fit with the wings that were given in this league :/
3.23 was the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
Nesteris wrote:
40/40 totem is the best reword anything else is just a extra bonus in my opinion

it's okay, kirac vault in std this league Praige!
I miss harvest, 36/40 never forget.
Mirror drop - Strand clear speed meta legacy league month "5"
Mirror drop - Canyon casual farming harby ultimatum league month "1"
now i'm a main standard league player.
league content on standard when? GGG! show us some love.
Lets go bois
Gold's not my color. funny to see that I like the helmet most, which most frown upon...
2 awesome challenge league rewards in a row! <3

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