Ruthless FAQ

No. Balance changes made to Ruthless have no bearing on the main game. If we feel a change is good for the main game, we'll just make it there as well.

But ruthless is everything the 3.13 fun crew doesn't want in the main game. There goes my hope that 3.20 is good because all the bad stuff will be in ruthless mode.
Nice, i love such challenges. And one more please, durability for weapons and shields :D
I can't believe they are bringing the old PoE back!!! Can barely contain the excitement!
What could go wrong

Extensively tested™
If you can't handle the truth, just delete the forum post - Precious Flower
You destroy HC league playerbase thx ur vision.
My friends stop playing bcs its unplayable for normal person, or run to SC. Bcs chall. rewards.

Now you think, something more hardcore is that what yours players want?

It is just weird dream in CW head.

And what is more funny ... players who mostly want play this mode are from SC XD
Rly players who play only SC trade (here on forum)XD
dago_ wrote:
koskesh539 wrote:
No. Balance changes made to Ruthless have no bearing on the main game. If we feel a change is good for the main game, we'll just make it there as well.

Can´t wait for this myth to be debunked. It´s going to be a long way for you guys to gain the trust back.

the trust of whom?
people the game was never designed and marketed for?

What´s under your and my profile? What are those icons? And all those MTX´s they advertise? What´s that?
I'm going to copy paste my questions from the previous thread here, in case they will get answered here instead.

Two questions:

Will there anything be done against logout macros?

Because as it stands now, with the much lower overall player power, it will probably get abused a lot more often. It will super easy to avoid/ignore problematic enemies this way and with no cost. It can even be used to better cheese bosses - the post only said that bosses will regain health on player death.

I'm in favor of escaping to town via a Portal Scroll if something gets too hard, but I feel like logout macros fundamentally go against the spirit of "Ruthless". In almost all cases it's as good as a portal scroll, especially with the reduced loot, but in many it's much better because it's also an instant life saver (and honestly, simply "lame").

Also, will the progress of the "Alpha Test" and/or the "Beta Test" during the 3.20 release stay?

It was mentioned that mid-league adjustments for the "Beta" will most likely happen, but I'm not sure if something like a wipe is planned if fundamental problems get discovered.

I have the same question about the "Alpha". Considering the giant time investment of Ruthless (which, to me, feels like something that might be more fun in Standard, over the course of several leagues), I'm currently wondering if I should apply if the progress gets wiped afterwards. Will the progress we make during the "Alpha" stay?
I'm so hyped for ruthless and hope to be an alpha tester :D.

Don't get those negative comments lol.
next time maybe something for "cashuals" ? ....

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