November Events 2022

Hell yes I am HYPE
davidnn5 wrote:
No crafting bench in endless delve? you serious?

And each event is aimed at making things more annoying/difficult than they already are?

Yes? That's why they're challenge leagues? What would be the point of more of the same?
Voided & no demigod item. Nah ty.
Guess I will be watching cutedog throws raids in lost ark until 3.20
Voided events = hard pass
wait, not even each 1st place of each ascendancy gets a reward?!?!?

I literally was talking about Endless Devle wishing it would come back! THANK YOU!!!

Much Love from waaaaayyyyyyy over here
Add 4 more events delay the league for 1 more month so we all can have more peaceful and high quality time in life. Thank you.
Endless Delve yay
Delirium everywhere oh heck nah
The league and AN sucked so badly that I took most of the league off, but I was looking forward to the events for the chance to take down Demis. Why in the world would GGG move away from the top 5 per ascendency demi-prizes that were so popular in previous events? People need to feel like they have a reasonable chance to compete if they are expected to play. One prize per ascendancy, and only in hc ssf?

I swear, the decisions that GGG has been making lately are mind-boggling. It's almost as though they are going out of their way to sabotage themselves.

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