3.19.1b Patch Notes (restartless)

Man, bugs like that sapped ground thing is pretty unacceptable with a HC mode. Glad I didn't play HC this league.
where kalandra lake buff?
I did the /recheck_achievements command and it didn't update. I'm registered with 25 challanges and when I look in my challange log it shows 26.

What should I do?
I see 30 challenges on your profile. Try emailing support if it isn't fixed yet.
Buying Tattoos (Settlers) #3654153 ★ How To Itemize Beasts? #3559583 Unlock Sandwraith Map Device Kill Tracker #3461595 ★ Deli Music Off #3450767
Bestiary UI/Trading #3380585 ★ Upgrade Tabs to Quads Option #3452458
VISAGE GUILD RECRUITMENT - #3694978 ★ Forum Threads ★
40% builds are: 1- RF, 2- CoC ice spear/forbidden rite and 3 - lightning strike.
Please STOP Nerf eveything.

There's still a bug with the challenge count recheck achievements doesn't fix which is the number near your name is not the same as the number in the challenges tab (which is one lower). The mtx awarded follow the number near your name
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Well done in most cases, the chances were cut by 1.5-2 times!
GGG Maybe you can immediately say in plain text that this is no longer a game, but a full-fledged job where you have to plow 12+ hours to get the result

It's a pity that interest in such a game is fading =(

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