3.19.1 Patch Notes Preview

Raveorian wrote:

Your Opinion is valid because its and opinion same as anyone's.

To your point how much more would you remove from the game? Meta crafting?

The Reason that Divine orbs are artificially valued so high is due to deterministic crafting.
Prefixes Cannot Be Changed 2x Divine Orb
Suffixes Cannot Be Changed 2x Divine Orb
Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers 2x Divine Orb
Cannot roll Attack Modifiers 1x Divine Orb
Cannot roll Caster Modifiers 1x Divine Orb

Every bit of currency is based around crafting or mapping.

Picking up a bunch of Yellow Items on the floor only to ID a bunch of items, not only slows play down but because of the huge pool of Item modifiers means vast majority of what is dropping will be unusable. If Items were better Itemized and dropped already ID this is a solution but at that point you still gambling on good items to drop.

Again, I am glad you enjoy this vision of the new POE but what allot of people are saying is we don't like gambling with such a variance. Crafting has been what has carried this game for years and this change, saddens, disheartens, makes people angry.

Just remember to respect people's opinions and don't start name calling because you disagree with their opinion.

I would prefer a system that reduced the amount of rares dropped (in endgame/maps) by >~90% if it also increased the chance of rolling higher tier modifiers on them, scaling by tier/monster level. I think that would be an upgrade from how it works right now.

Regarding metacrafting: Yes, I wouldn't mind that disappearing as well.
ohh baby only 3 more months and i can finaly buy my gear to defeat über elder. soo close! LETS GRIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDD!

or maybe just skip and go next league... maybe they wont mess up again -,.- feels like trash playing without decent items because u cant buy your stuff so u cant kill bosses so u cant get items that are sold oberpriced because nobody can do the job...

fuck this shit, feelsbad. I dont wish Legion back but you keep removing farming ways to get your currency on your own way but still bringing in bosses that are impossible to kill unless you invest a mirror of currency... imagine some idiots playing SSL ... damn facepalm. self Mortification
I Luv Paff off Eggsile
we dont like this game anymore, make it great again or we wont be playing it. wake up ggg
Improved the outcome odds for the Tainted Orb of Fusing, Tainted Jeweller's Orb and Tainted Mythic Orb.

numbers? they were very bad anyway , are they scourge league outcomes? or what?
also where the loot drops , revert them to previous state , see you when that happen or never
Since you're doing F* all to fix the HORRIBLY overtuned Archnemesis offensive modifiers, will you be planning on removing the 10% experience reduction per death? Because, at this point, progressing in even red tier maps... seems pointless.

PS. [Removed by Support] Archnemesis mobs are still unbalanced and rippy. They ARE NOT fun in any way, shape or form. [Removed by Support]... nobody endorses your stupid Hard mode. Give us back the fun you're so adamant about removing. [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Lisa_GGG#0000 on Sep 7, 2022, 3:37:52 PM
There is no point to buffing the frequency of the Reflecting Mist if the rewards contained within are still garbage. Ethereal Mist is actually useful, but bumping up the tier of contained modifiers in the normal Mist would also help the situation.
Oh shit is this phys refle-
That 2 archnem mod should be global...not just in content where it shouldn't exist in the first place.

Such a long post while still having nothing to make everyone who quit regain hope in the game.

Really unfortunate. I've loved this game for so many years and yeah every league has the "doom and gloom" nonsense but there was always hope inspired by these posts...until 3.19.

Shame. It was a good run though. Please use this as a learning tool around community feedback.
Mobile games have better trading...
Please also consider the lag produced by sniper's mark. I am having to use poacher's just avoid the delay that the projectiles cause during rare/unique boss fights. Thanks!
Yes, a patch in all its glory, with no concrete numbers on the "buffs"...

I guess it is time to wait for D4 and uninstall PoE...
Path of Exile is a Casino for gambling addicts.
Gambling is not fun nor a game mechanic...

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