Following up on Recent Feedback

tetrode wrote:
archnemesis sucks and it doesn't belong in the game, and GGG is still trying to force feed it to us... wow thanks

dont say anything negative about the game. the mods will punish.

still not too sure why the harvest jewel implicits were removed from the game... those were not crazy powerful, but gave the player just enough to tweak end game balances.
Thank you GGG!
MiguelFg wrote:

Any1 that doesn't think like me = troll.

The conversation ends here.

You mean he destroyed your infantile argument? and now you can admit it so it's name calling time.

PoE has existed for years with 3rd party tools dictating game balance, and that is an indisputable fact.
We understand that we are being asked to buy MTX and support packs, but it's really not possible while Harvest remains so bad for crafting.

Although this is not exactly what you want to hear, we can say that this issue has been discussed very actively to see if any compromise can be found.
Three topics specifically that I'd like to provide feed back on:

1. Harvest Crafts - As an average player, harvest was in a decent place before. It allowed top end players to craft "mirror tier" gear and something for me to strive to acquire. And it provided an outlet for me to attempt mid tier to higher end crafting on my own as a nice progression curve. With the removal of some of the most crucial harvest crafts that is no longer possible. Mid tier crafting in my opinion is essentially gone and top end crafting is now so ridiculously expensive I can't even dream of attempting it. I would rather not be able to trade harvest, period, and still have access to those crafts.

2. Loot in the LoK mechanic are very weird. Sometimes a chest is good, sometimes its completely empty. And the deeper you go into the lake the difficulty gets so insane and the rewards stay completely mediocre at best. Its almost not worth it at all to go beyond tier 8. The game becomes extremely "Sweaty" at those tiers.

3. Loot in general in the game when not "juicing" maps is okish. But it feels really bad knowing I can no longer reasonably grind out farming a set of divination cards on my own, not without spending endless hours to do so. Part of the appeal of this game was that I could go into a tower map and have a decent chance of the nurse card with a moderate amount of juicing. Now it would probably take hundreds of hours of additional time on top of what it took to farm a full set.

It also feels extremely bad to have such spikey loot. Getting a bunch of 6-links is cool when it happens, but everything in between is so DRY and BORING. The grind has become way too much for most casual to average players to handle, I would guess.

Just my 2 cents. Hope you consider this feedback along with the others taking time to write to you.

EDIT: Also, fyi, Ritual league was my favorite league. Harvest in that patch was the most fun I've had in this game maybe ever. I understand it couldn't stay like that, but that kind of play kept me in the game almost the entire 3 months of the league. Every day looking forward to being able to attempt some amazing crafting. And the amount of brain storming I had to do was a phenomenal dopamine rush. So if you think giving players power makes them quit sooner, consider that.
Last edited by onefyasko#4723 on Sep 4, 2022, 2:55:14 PM
A couple of days ago we shared an overview of upcoming changes which prompted additional helpful feedback from the community. We also mentioned in that post that we were monitoring and discussing some things internally but didn't have a follow-up yet. We're covering both of these things in today's post.

In Delve, Archnemesis monsters with the Heralding Minions mod are too punishing. We've fixed this internally so that the Heralding Minion Mod will no longer appear on monsters in Delve. We will deploy this change in an upcoming patch.

Community feedback reports that Archnemesis Modifiers that convert rewards to quality currency and flasks feel bad. We are discussing this internally but don't have an outcome to report just yet. However, initial discussions suggest there is a fair bit of team agreement around it feeling bad.

As we mentioned in our last post, some players have noted that they'd prefer item drops to have lower variance - i.e. fewer big spikes of valuable rewards with the rewards averaged out across more encounters. This is something we're still discussing.

Also mentioned in our last post was that monsters that can't drop items shouldn't have large numbers of Archnemesis mods and will be capped at two mods. This change has happened internally and will be deployed in an upcoming patch.

We are also aware of feedback around monsters applying permanent Marks feeling frustrating, particularly in the context of Archnemesis mods and Delve but also in other areas of the game. This issue has some technical complications around it that make it tricky to improve but this is something we'll be working on.

Kalandra League
In the Lake of Kalandra, rock formations don't allow you to hide from enemy attacks. This has been fixed internally and will be deployed in a coming patch.

Players have mentioned that when Beyond appears in the Lake of Kalandra, its difficulty to reward ratio doesn't feel right. We're investigating this.

Much of the community's feedback this league has focused on the rewards coming from the Lake of Kalandra. We're making the Reflecting Mist 50% more common while also assessing other item drops. Currently we feel that general drops from the lake are okay but that past league content that appears in the lake may not be rewarding enough. We are keen for specific feedback around which past league encounters in the lake don't feel quite right in terms of rewards. Please include as much detail as possible around your experiences.

Harvest crafting
We're making it so that you can see how much Lifeforce of each type you have available at the Horticrafting Station.

We are also aware that there is a lot of disappointment around certain Harvest Crafts being removed. Previously, Harvest Crafting was balanced by how difficult it was to get the crafts that you want. Now that crafts are tradeable, Harvest's power was reduced to be more in line with other crafting methods. We understand that there is a call for us to bring those crafts back but it isn't really possible while allowing Harvest to remain tradeable.

While this isn't exactly what you want to hear, I can say that this issue was pushed very hard during discussions to see if any compromise could be made. Harvest's crafting potential without being gated by rarity is just too high.

Eldritch Currency
We are making it so that Eldritch Exalted Orbs, Eldritch Chaos Orbs and Eldritch Orbs of Annulment will drop in lower area levels. We are also buffing their drop rate.

These currency items are intended to fulfil similar functions to some of the removed Harvest crafts while continuing to be gated by rarity, though we're aware that they can only be applied to certain items and are still discussing whether similar solutions for other gear slots are appropriate. We understand that this isn't a full remedy for Harvest withdrawals but it should slightly improve the availability of powerful crafting tools.

Thanks again for all of your feedback. Please continue to let us know about your experiences - particularly, as we mentioned earlier, feedback around past league content rewards inside the lake.

wrong answer
got 99 problems and every page of this thread is one of them
Personally, Overall Like the ideas. Though I do think some tuning is necessary in the end.

It does not seem to be a common sentiment, but I do enjoy rares having the item conversions. Sure its pure random and I cant control which ones spawn, so no direct farming. but when I see certain monster mods, I do like knowing what it is and what will come of it. I also personally like the spiky drops, because to me with the amount I hide on loot filter, most of the time I don't need to stop until after beating certain arch nem mods. So I can move through maps focus on killing things, and after a harsh rare, when I need that relief of relaxation after spending 20 to 40 seconds on or so fighting and dodging. But what I dont appreciate is when I get to that needing relief state when fighting particularly hard combo that takes more then 1 minute; but forgetting it has an on death effect and I just die after reveling in my victory. That really frustrates me.

But those piles of loot at certain intervals are so much nicer then random 1 off items on random mobs. And the fact that they are themed, like all 6 socket, all unique, all fractured (especially love this in ssf). This may be the closest we will ever get to loot vaccum type mechanics in the main game that come with alva/blight and some others where stuff just pops up after killing everything. Personally I would be freaking a ok with all loot just droping from the boss at the end but that may be too concentrated. (but no one sees it this way and i find it freaking baffling, loot vaccums were wanted for so long but I know as a philosophy this game wants us to actually pick items up, so to me with the most interesting loot consolidated to rares we have the closest thing we'll get and now people want that awesome quality of life to go away. I am soooo confused.

AS a SSF character I do love the whetstones and extra flasks but as league progresses they seem to be important to me. BUt I really dont want them to go away fully, since it really did help smooth out the rough mapping start.

as for the lake, compared to mapping it is about the same. So not over tuned or under tuned in my mind. But the only reason I want to even mess with it is for chance of rings. ANd since they are so random what would it hurt to have the mists show up multiple times. I do understand for the ethereal mist it might still need to be rare, but normal mist should show up every few tiles.

Harvesting crafting is fine as it is imo, but the options it provided were so nice. BUt was probably bad they were all so localized in 1 crafting system. I would think bring them back in some form, but spreads' out thematically across crafting options like fossils, bench, new currency item, or whatever.

Eldritch currency is amazing stuff; but it does not fill all the gaps. Other slots need something similar to what we can do on the amour. But also even though influenced Items can be potent, they should also get some love in terms of how they can be crafted with.

ALL in ALL great league really am enjoying myself; there were some flaws, especially with difficulty of some mod combos. But I think you are headed in right direction. Just seems the common sentiment from most people is they just don't like change. Plus I just found it odd how this league and last league addressed to major things people were complaining about or asking for; but now that they have them they don't like it. And that is less irrelevant loot droping with more interesting loot (this league stepped in that direction); and to make harder content and reduce enemy screen clutter (also stepped in this direction). I guess its true what they say:

"You think you want it but you really don't"

And honestly I think after people get used to the current changes, because they were massive they would start to dislike going back to the old way.

bold changes are needed to not let game go stale, I enjoying figuring out all the implications of the changes made.

CourtsDawn wrote:

And honestly I think after people get used to the current changes, because they were massive they would start to dislike going back to the old way.

Getting used to being punched in the face does not mean people will prefer to go back to not being punched in the face, the consensus from the forum here has been overwhelming that the systems do not feel rewarding enough and the removal of options has hugely negatively impacted the games experience, the number of people still playing the league has born this out.

It's great that you are enjoying the game and like the changes, but the simple fact is, you can play without engaging in the systems and keep your play experience intact, people that do not like the changes have no option to return to their play experience.

Speaking very firmly for myself in response to your quoted text.
I have been frustrated and disliked a significant amount of changes that have happened and it caused me to stop playing the game until they stopped nerfing everything and returned some things that I consider fun. There'll be no Stockholm Syndrome with this, either things are fixed, or people will quit.
how long we'll have to wait to get a death history?
I'm tired to die and not knowing what killed me.
I hope there will be a death record so that there will be a direction of progress instead of never knowing what you are killed by, you know the death record, someone else's game has it 20 years ago

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