What Happened with Items

I hate that league. Not for gameplay. It was in this league that the hardcore community showed its true face. Instead of adequate communication, it chose tantrums and demonstrative exits from the game.
The game had problems at its best. But few people care about them until it comes to awards.
I would like to raise one important problem of the game. Poe has a lot of, frankly, useless skill gems. In particular, my favorite, scorching beam. This is the skill with which he was able to go through the plot and began to conquer the atlas. And now to disperse it to a million damage is to deprive the character of any protection. He lacks a mechanic, or numbers, in order to at least get into the red cards in terms of damage. Not to mention the bosses and their uber versions.
And then there are the unique items that suffered after the removal of the prophecy from the game. For example, my favorite, chabber cairn. In the last league in the first month, he was sold in units. Now in the first week it is simply not there. Previously, he got it exclusively by prophecy. And he's very good for dominating blow.
It's definitely not the game's most important issue. The community has spoken. But this is my personal problem. It would be interesting to know what skills and uniques others dream of. Not how much time was wasted in this league due to "lack of loot"
Thank you very much for your work.
"We play the game too" It's imposible that a sane person to fight a Arch monster and think, "woah, this is fine" but anyway, bye, see you never i guess.
R.i.P Poe 2022

Sad to see this game taking this turn after all years listen to ous players who make this company grow togheter with you! And now digging your own grave , by not listening to ous and just do what you guys think is good. It's a sad end.

Sorry for my english xD

Over and out !

Zamabu PoE 2016-2022 RiP
I want to believe you. I've played the game for years, playing every couple leagues. I love this genre and this game. However... the game still feels in a very bad state.

It is hard to say for sure because i leveled with the original drop rate, and it was terrible. However, it still feels low and it is hard to stay motivated to do content when it feels so unrewarding.

People and companies make mistakes. What matters is how they deal with them and i don't feel like the problems with this league are resolved yet.

My concern is that when there is normally a bad league with a bad league mechanic, next league it is fine. However, with a large scale loot change like this, those are changes that will be present in next league too.
Last edited by Falator#0681 on Aug 25, 2022, 11:24:44 PM
Due to an oversight we forgot to include a bunch of negative changes to the game in the patch notes.
-32:9 support removed
-Harvest dumpsterd
-Drops dumpstered
Not a single positive change forgotten though. This line is not believable and I find it insulting to my intelligence.
Last edited by Notori0us B0B#8281 on Aug 25, 2022, 11:24:11 PM
My group last league in sentinel dropped about 1 million unique items (estimating here) over 150 maps with 100% delirium, conq double influence, quad winged scarab triple beyond.

I understand that group play should be nerfed in some way. But we cannot have fun running through a 100 maps to hope to get lucky with archnem mods and maybe get 1/6 the items we normally do.

Its really demotivating to pump 2+ exalts or divines now into a map and drop nothing in the map. That's the current state of the league. I don't want to hunt loot goblins, I want to have fun juicing with my friends.

I don't really care if we make 30 to 40% less money due to beyond changes but its really hard to want to play your game when we break even or lose money every single map if we aren't super lucky and find a Kitava touched or whatever.

Please revert the changes because for most of us it makes the game less fun.

I feel like I'm play Diablo 2 doing 10 hours of CS runs waiting for a jah or ber to drop. This isn't fun.
Last edited by OrcScorpion#0890 on Aug 25, 2022, 11:29:23 PM
Quite a few things:

1. You don't have to elaborate on Philosophy One. Everyone knows it. The question is: Why did you decide to ignore it this patch? How can we trust you that it won't be a bait and switch next league?

2. I disagree with Philosophy Two, in practice. Your current design of rare monsters is not challenging. It's boring. To create a challenge, you need proper mechanics, which means, every rare needs to be a mini boss. However, most of your map bosses don't even have interesting boss mechanics. What you are doing with rares is giving them offensive and defensive buffs and let them spam trigger effects. Not only is this tedious, it also takes away the identity of the monsters we fight. There are no memorable monsters. And since mod combos are random, they aren't memorable either.

3. Regarding Philosophy Three: Give us concrete numbers. If league content is twice as rewarding as base content, is it also twice as difficult on average? My impression is that league content is quite a bit more difficult.

As for the AN rebalance, I'm not sure how you didn't test all the combos, given the community uproar over the months. Who have been stubborn with the AN designs? What is being done internally to make sure this stubbornness doesn't happen again?

But then again, using a common pool of affixes instead of specific monster mechanics to boost difficulty is inherently a flawed and lazy design philosophy. While I disagree with your Act1 rework, that type of redesign can be very useful in designing rares. With the current design, you are invoking D3 memories.

As for drop rates, I suppose you have a spreadsheet of sorts internally on this matter? Because it feels like they are all over the place. It's probably not spaghetti code, but definitely spaghetti drop rates. Your team has no idea what the consequences are when they tweak a few numbers. Maybe get OpenARL to make a PoB for devs for you. Your ad hoc balancing is frustrating to say the least.

This is not the first time you missed important changes in the patch notes (albeit the most glaring occurrence). It seems that your design team does not document design decisions and changes in the process. Maybe that's not what happened, but anyway, I'd like to see an update/manifesto on your internal processes that make sure all changes are properly documented.

I'm not one to speculate intentions, so I'll just take you at your words. But what good are intentions if you paid no attention to see them carried through? I don't blame your QA team, though. These guys usually work hard, and get their feedback ignored. And anyway, no one's actually blaming your QA team. We blame your QA process.

I have seen parties in this league get multiple mirrors per day, or find over 50 Divine Orbs from a single monster.

Do you feel this huge up-and-down good? I can go through maybe 50 maps without getting anything valuable, and suddenly one monster drops me 50 Divines? This can be good for chase items like HH, but I'd very much like to see currency drops normalized across farming scenarios. The fact that you raised this example as evidence for loot being Okay bothers me. My suggestion is that you should go play the game. On all four modes. If you still find this Okay, I'd know that it's my time to leave.
Give us old Harvest back. That is how to win your players back. Stop with your "vision" or "Pride".

If you care about those who are still sticking with you...

They're fine with the changes. They are also saying the exact same garbage they always do. "We can do better. We messed up."

They aren't going to fix anything lol They're fine with how it is. What a joke.
If you are someone that went "Wow, look! They are listening!"
You are directly the reason for this game dying. You don't have an excuse anymore. This stuff is basically working exactly as intended from their own mouths. This is Path of Exile now. Everything from Archnemesis to the loot.
Hey there,
I have deleted your post in this thread: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3285083/page/2#p24656635 as it was considered needlessly negative.
If you have any questions, please contact us at support@grindinggear.com
Kind regards, RoryF

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