82 days of dumb.
Fix it.
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
Posted bytackle70#1293on Nov 9, 2022, 2:22:19 PM
vio wrote:
tackle70 wrote:
Bump. Fix this stupidity GGG.
stop the insults, they will have their reasons.
and i got a theory:
players abused the game's implementation by watching the loading of client side assets from the resourcefile.
this is directly related to the information the server sends to the client and the client side's activation radius.
ggg's bugfix for that tool came nearly at the same time they fixed non-supported resolutions.
my theory is, they had to reduce what assets are loaded on the client side and what information the server sends to the client at a time.
which would have removed all assets you see left ad right on ultra-widescreen monitors.
so they just put black bars there. say a huge fank you to all those assholes exploiting the game :)
ggg can probably fix whats serialised to the client but sending this info just in time is bad for those with slow internet connections and/or running poe on toasters.
This theory is 100% wrong and let me tell you why. Your theory assumes that GGG stopped rendering things at a wider than 21:9 ratio at the server level and is not sending this data to the client anymore. This is not true, because there is a client side "fix" that removes the black bars. Literally all the fix does is remove black bars. Everything is still there, all assets are still being rendered, including enemies, and sent from the servers to the client. Arguably, apparently the special Kalandra lake water at the edges of the screen looks less appealing.
What does this mean, not only did GGG consciously decide to make our hardware not work properly, they didn't actually change the server or client load or give either of us back processing power or bandwidth with their change. My computer works just as hard to render content, it just hides off screen behind bars now.
I would kindly ask that you not spread misinformation in an attempt to defend a bad decision.
Posted bySmooshfaced#0920on Nov 9, 2022, 4:11:01 PM
Smooshfaced wrote:
vio wrote:
tackle70 wrote:
Bump. Fix this stupidity GGG.
stop the insults, they will have their reasons.
and i got a theory:
players abused the game's implementation by watching the loading of client side assets from the resourcefile.
this is directly related to the information the server sends to the client and the client side's activation radius.
ggg's bugfix for that tool came nearly at the same time they fixed non-supported resolutions.
my theory is, they had to reduce what assets are loaded on the client side and what information the server sends to the client at a time.
which would have removed all assets you see left ad right on ultra-widescreen monitors.
so they just put black bars there. say a huge fank you to all those assholes exploiting the game :)
ggg can probably fix whats serialised to the client but sending this info just in time is bad for those with slow internet connections and/or running poe on toasters.
This theory is 100% wrong and let me tell you why. Your theory assumes that GGG stopped rendering things at a wider than 21:9 ratio at the server level and is not sending this data to the client anymore. This is not true, because there is a client side "fix" that removes the black bars. Literally all the fix does is remove black bars. Everything is still there, all assets are still being rendered, including enemies, and sent from the servers to the client. Arguably, apparently the special Kalandra lake water at the edges of the screen looks less appealing.
What does this mean, not only did GGG consciously decide to make our hardware not work properly, they didn't actually change the server or client load or give either of us back processing power or bandwidth with their change. My computer works just as hard to render content, it just hides off screen behind bars now.
I would kindly ask that you not spread misinformation in an attempt to defend a bad decision.
There were no player facing problems, AND any backend problems will still be there because they are still rendering everything.
In other words, GGG are being real dumb and there's no excuse for this nonsense.
Fix it.
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
Posted bytackle70#1293on Nov 9, 2022, 9:15:14 PM
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out
PoE1 > PoE2
Posted byampdecay#1924on Nov 10, 2022, 6:41:14 AM
I've put so much time and money into this game just to get fucked over because of stupid decisions. Let's just hope that D4 will be better. At least they got 32:9 support.
Posted byBubbleTheOne#0919on Nov 10, 2022, 8:40:09 AM
Smooshfaced wrote:
This theory is 100% wrong and let me tell you why.
it's a theory, yes.
Smooshfaced wrote:
Your theory assumes that GGG stopped rendering things at a wider than 21:9 ratio at the server level
the server doesn't render stuff, that's done by the client.
the server has a certain activation radius where mosnters are freed from their t-pose position and start moving.
Smooshfaced wrote:
Everything is still there
even monsters and boxes? because the level design is transfered to the client at the time of the entering of the level.
Smooshfaced wrote:
I would kindly ask that you not spread misinformation in an attempt to defend a bad decision.
i would kindly ask you to remember, that even you wrote, that it's just a theory of mine.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Posted byvio#1992on Nov 10, 2022, 12:12:24 PMAlpha Member
vio wrote:
i would kindly ask you to remember, that even you wrote, that it's just a theory of mine.
"It's just a theory" is a bad excuse, though. If the theory is wrong, it should not be spread. Just like the theory that the Earth is flat - it's just a theory, but it is obviously wrong, and it should not be spread.
That said, I do not know whether your theory is wrong.
But if what Smooshfaced says in his first paragraph is true, then even if GGG is right to remove the 32:9 aspect ratio support (which I think they are not, I'd prefer T-posing to no rendering at all, or at least to be given the option), they did it in the most hilariously inefficient way.
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
Posted byChar1983#2680on Nov 10, 2022, 12:41:08 PM
Char1983 wrote:
vio wrote:
i would kindly ask you to remember, that even you wrote, that it's just a theory of mine.
"It's just a theory" is a bad excuse, though. If the theory is wrong, it should not be spread. Just like the theory that the Earth is flat - it's just a theory, but it is obviously wrong, and it should not be spread.
That said, I do not know whether your theory is wrong.
But if what Smooshfaced says in his first paragraph is true, then even if GGG is right to remove the 32:9 aspect ratio support (which I think they are not, I'd prefer T-posing to no rendering at all, or at least to be given the option), they did it in the most hilariously inefficient way.
you never see monsters t-posing if activation isn't bugged, just activated ones. and i'm waiting for their statement too as i got 1cm bars left and right cause i bought a monitor suitable for gaming.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Posted byvio#1992on Nov 10, 2022, 12:45:38 PMAlpha Member
Day 83. Bump. Fix it.
lol @ anyone suggesting this change was legitimate
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
Posted bytackle70#1293on Nov 10, 2022, 6:07:55 PM
vio wrote:
Smooshfaced wrote:
This theory is 100% wrong and let me tell you why.
it's a theory, yes.
Smooshfaced wrote:
Your theory assumes that GGG stopped rendering things at a wider than 21:9 ratio at the server level
the server doesn't render stuff, that's done by the client.
the server has a certain activation radius where mosnters are freed from their t-pose position and start moving.
Smooshfaced wrote:
Everything is still there
even monsters and boxes? because the level design is transfered to the client at the time of the entering of the level.
Smooshfaced wrote:
I would kindly ask that you not spread misinformation in an attempt to defend a bad decision.
i would kindly ask you to remember, that even you wrote, that it's just a theory of mine.
I'm too lazy to break your responses into separate quotes, so they get numbered.
1. Let's not make up random stuff to justify unjustifiable information. It's like a rumor, it then just gets spread around and people start believing it.
2. I'm sorry I used the word render in relation to the server, lazy mistake. The server and client interaction didn't change. The monsters and boxes are still there and they are still active and moving just as they were in 3.18. Activation radius didn't change, neither did what is sent to the client. There is zero difference between what was and what is, other than having blinders added to the screen so you can't see what's happening behind them.
3. See #2, the monsters and boxes are all there, the server is sending all of that data to the client still, it's just hidden by black bars.
4. Theories are still misinformation and often get repeated over and over by others until people start believing them. It doesn't matter that you are wrong or have zero basis in truth, it can still be damaging. Look at how hard people in the US are fighting against misinformation and lies in regard to politics, COVID, and other important areas.
Posted bySmooshfaced#0920on Nov 11, 2022, 8:14:05 AM