widescreen resolution removed from the game.

tackle70 wrote:

There are no defensible arguments in favor of black bars, and none have been offered in 1 year, 291 days.

Fix it.

It was said multiple times that competitive play is a thing and it was also mentioned multiple times that it would take a lot of work to get the 32:9 mess sorted out in a proper way without giving players a advantage or causing issues for the server itself.
If it was that easy to fix many game devs would have done it by now but many don't even bother the headaches and waste of money for reasons.

Getting a proper widely supported monitor is in fact the way to fix the problem even after 1 year and 291 days~
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
That's why you don't give PoE players a taste of unfair advantages. They will complain until they die to get it back and will gaslight anyone that disagrees with them.

At least the one-handed 6L crowd got the hint, so that's nice.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro#4713 on Jun 4, 2024, 3:50:45 PM
AdRonZh3Ro wrote:
That's why you don't give PoE players a taste of unfair advantages.


The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
Affordable to everyone QoL extra storage vs unaffordable for most massive gameplay advantage which goes all the way down to hitting and seeing enemies outside of their aggro radius.
What a really desperate and bad comparison lol.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
Last edited by Pashid#4643 on Jun 4, 2024, 9:28:56 PM
Pashid wrote:
Affordable to everyone QoL extra storage vs unaffordable for most massive gameplay advantage which goes all the way down to hitting and seeing enemies outside of their aggro radius.
What a really desperate and bad comparison lol.

So lock the game to 1080p 60

That's what most people can afford.

Imagine giving an unfair advantage to others

Lol... You black bar folks and your specious reasoning are amusing at least
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
Last edited by tackle70#1293 on Jun 4, 2024, 9:36:03 PM
1 year, 292 days

Fix it
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
Imagine if POE2 is a success and that ultra wide is implemented: trolling 24/7 showing how you can see, or even hit, bosses or packs others players can't... :-D
Last edited by Universalis#5776 on Jun 5, 2024, 5:36:04 AM
Pashid wrote:
What a really desperate and bad comparison lol.

Desperation seems to be the only thing he has left. I played the entirety of Synthesis without buying one stash tab and did it again on an alt account on Heist, so he doesn't even have the truth going for him.

And yes, it is truly amusing how far one person's gaslighting and stash of copium can go.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro#4713 on Jun 5, 2024, 8:50:33 AM
How have we gone from "Take notes everyone - this is how you actually make good arguments."

tackle70 wrote:
Ulsarek wrote:
How this is still up for debate is beyond me. GGG put a limit in place because the game was never designed for such resolutions and actively broke the game. Just because it wasn't apparent to the average user doesn't mean those problems didn't exist.

Just from the top of my head, to name a few:
• You could see entities spawning in at the edge of your screen and position or navigate accordingly
• More often than not said entities weren't even properly loading in, t-posing wasn't uncommon
• As stated by GGG themselves, such resolutions caused unintended behaviour and fucked with their server load
• Major advantage, you could essentially offscreen packs and bosses with little effort
• Bosses don't have infinite enmity range, some could be offscreened without them even moving towards the player
• You couldn't click on the map or loot items beyond a certain area on your screen

There was even a popular case 4 years ago during the China race where the streamer Ventrua used a very wide resolution to offscreen Baran with Essence Drain during said race. He pretty much sat at the edge of the arena and slowly killed the boss without the boss even moving. This could be applied to many bosses and thus indeed is beyond broken and a unfair advantage. (https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/i7qq7n/ventrua_exploiting_ultrawide_in_china_race/)

32:9 and beyond working in the first place was an oversight. GGG most likely never thought of it and once they started to identify problems a solution was applied.

One could argue black bars are a bad solution but then again it isn't uncommon in the industry and much easier to implement than fixing whatever else gets broken by these ridiculous resolutions. Elden Ring also doesn't allow widescreen for these reasons. GGG did the right thing here.

Besides widescreen still works, 21:9 is a significant upgrade over 16:9 but doesn't break anything.

Take notes everyone - this is how you actually make good arguments.

I don't agree, as I've argued throughout this thread, that these points validate the decision to "solve" the problem by implementing black bars in the main game. I agree that 32:9 (and, I would argue, even 21:9) should be banned from races and PvP modes, but black bars are the laziest and most clumsy possible "fix" for the main game.

For one thing, it's an overstatement to say 32:9 broke the game. Every instance you mention of 32:9 "breaking" something in the regular noncompetitive modes could have been solved by bug fixes or fog of war, either of which would be a far better solution.

I also would argue that GGG's "my servers are melting" reasoning is complete nonsense and just them grasping at straws to justify a lazy design choice. This issue affects something on the order of 0.5% of their players. That's just not significant enough to meaningfully affect their overall server load. Also, it is not right for a company to pass problems on their backend off to their paying customers. Players pay GGG so they can support their staff and all their technical backend. Slapping black bars on player screens to save 1% server load is not acceptable, particularly for a company their size.

GGG did the lazy thing here, not the right thing. Bug fixes and/or possibly a fog of war or FoV system would be GGG doing the right thing.

To what I can only call gaslighting right here:

tackle70 wrote:
Echothesis wrote:
So far haven't seen an argument against what I said 2 pages ago, about why the rest of black bars solution working rather poorly and should either be fixed or removed.

There are no defensible arguments in favor of black bars, and none have been offered in 1 year, 291 days.

Fix it.

Actually downright toxic.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
ArtCrusade wrote:
Actually downright toxic.

His arguments were alredy weak then, it only degraded with his sanity.

"Fog of war" on any RTS worth their weight is alredy "black bars" until you actually discover that particular terrain.

Giving a competitive edge is the actually only indefensible argument. It gives an advantage, period.

If it saves 1% of the server load by doing doing something so simple, you bet your ass any other company would've done it.

"Paying costumers" is the biggest LoL here. The game is free. :)
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro#4713 on Jun 5, 2024, 10:54:05 AM

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