widescreen resolution removed from the game.

ArtCrusade wrote:
I didn't say "GGG says so" and that wasn't my argument.

Don't remember saying this was your argument in particular. Not sure what you are getting at. You haven't made any cogent arguments worth engaging with, as far as I've seen.

And your statement here is pretty close to "GGG says so therefore it's right":
ArtCrusade wrote:
It's not broken, it's designed to be exactly what it is

ArtCrusade wrote:
If you don't know what a false dychotomy is

Pretty sure false dychotomy isn't a thing. Maybe try reading carefully and googling what a false dichotomy is.
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
Last edited by tackle70#1293 on Mar 4, 2024, 11:57:26 PM
You could have responded to my argument by answering why you should you be able to see more than the average player, especially in lieu of zoom hacks being bannable. If it's okay to have an advantage through superior hardware and software, why do you think GGG has a hardline stance on your field of view?

Instead, you say the argument is invalid and move on. Not only is it lazy, it's arrogant. Not a great look, and certainly not advocating well to your proposal.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
1 year, 200 days

Fix it

ArtCrusade wrote:
you say the argument is invalid and move on

Your argument is invalid; I've pointed out why twice, and your response is just ad hominem. When you make cogent arguments, I'll respond to them. "GGG designed this" and "look up false dychotomy" are not cogent arguments.

I don't feel like repeating myself for the millionth time as to the substance here for why black bars are an objectively bad design choice with zero rational defense. You can read the thread if you want. the TL;DR is:
  • This is a non-competitive PvE game
  • It's OK to remove ultrawide support for competitive modes e.g. PVP/prize races, but this does not necessitate removal for the base game
  • There are many allowed hardware and software advantages, many of which arguably impact the game much more than 32:9 gameplay; selectively removing one is nothing but arbitrary
  • Ultrawide users can work around this anyway, so this doesn't actually solve any problems from "bad actors" or people intent on exploits. Only regular players following TOS are affected.
  • If there are problems with ultrawide resolutions, black bars are not an acceptable solution. Multiple acceptable alternatives throughout this thread have been presented - fog of war, AI adjustments, variable FOV, bug fixes, etc.
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
Last edited by tackle70#1293 on Mar 5, 2024, 10:00:14 PM
1 year, 201 days

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The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
1 year, 202 days

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The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
1 year, 203 days

Fix it
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
They have to fix so many things. This should be top of the list. Game looks really bad for people with the wide monitors. Lots of dead space.
1 year, 204 days

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The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
1 year, 205 days.

Fix it
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
1 year, 206 days

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The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard

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