Content Update 3.19.0 -- Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

Arriadanae wrote:
The 'buff' to cleave is a joke.

The other melee skill buffs are also a joke.

Hey GGG, have you guys noticed that melee is basically dead? No? Just an afterthought? Chris Wilcent 'shaking up the meta' again?

Even cyclone is more powerful in a CoC/CwC build than a regular melee build.

This ^ x100
Lake of defecation.
In 3.18 3 auras with 50% mana reservation puted in shield Prizm Guardian (Socketed Gems Cost and Reserve Life instead of Mana & Socketed Gems have 25% increased Reservation Efficiency) + Reservation Mastery (30% Increased Life Reservation Efficiency) = 3% Unreserved Life

In 3.19 same build = -3% Unreserved Life

Just one shitty patch kill oldest builds with core items Shavrone + Prizm.

Boldhead know what is a better VISION for us /facepalm/

Last edited by Barr3D on Aug 17, 2022, 3:10:44 AM
AlastorHeart wrote:
No Melee changes is kinda unfortunate, I don't want to use magic to be successful in maps damn it

Dude, just play a melee build then. Things like Double Strike, Reave, Flicker, Sweep etc. still melt most of the game.
Last edited by groink19 on Aug 17, 2022, 4:41:17 AM
Pathfinder has 1 viable play style.... Dont worry we have fixed that in 3.19.
IceStorm ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

You keep ignoring IceStorm !!!
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
shuta6667 wrote:
this is not serious GGG . Update (nerf) 3 times even before league start . F

What did I miss?

I found the sunblast 1 but 2 more??

EDIT: nvm just realised its litteraly at the bottom lol
Last edited by wildz217 on Aug 17, 2022, 3:26:16 PM
Poisonous concoction into caustic arrow ballista, nothing's nerfed ! Let's go
wildz217 wrote:
shuta6667 wrote:
this is not serious GGG . Update (nerf) 3 times even before league start . F

What did I miss?

I found the sunblast 1 but 2 more??

EDIT: nvm just realised its litteraly at the bottom lol

Sunblast is a huge buff. Like 400% increased damage.
alex_disp wrote:
ljorring wrote:

Thanks for elaborating. You invested into an economy, that now changed and punished your investments. I didn't even consider the fact, that people play in standard league, where this is bound to happen, but it's of course a legitimate way of enjoying the game.

But if you had it your way, GGG couldn't really make any changes to the game. Imagine the value of legacy Kaom's Heart with +1k hp, when the nerf to 500hp was introduced. Anyone owning a legacy version would become instantly rich, so that's also a heavy shift in the economy. And I support this, since it needed the nerf, but it might hurt players, who invest heavily (in standard league) and expect a high level of safety for their investments. I wonder, if you would have been frustrated, if the economy shifted in _your_ favor..?

But your example is totally wrong. The right example would be GGG saying "ok we update all legacy items to their current variants". And then all people who bought those items for many mirrors would be just punched in the face. When legacy item becomes legacy noone looses money, but now all wealth in players pockets became dirt in just 1 day. And this wealth was collected by investing lots of real life time so obviously people are outraged. Imagine you build a house for 5 years, you're almost done and then one day some people come and say "hey buddy, we're building a highway here so your house must be demolished, no refunds".

Pretty good explanation of how I feel right now.
I get it. But there was probably no way to do this easily without hurting a lot of people. That said i think the brothers stash should be changed to divines or it would make no sense.

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