skills that needs NERFING

All these nerds raging at me lol. I must be Famous =) Poor kids need a tissue?

Haters gonna hate. <3 all you haters you make me LOL seriously this imposter thing made my day, I can't believe you kids care so much about a video game. hahaha lol


P.S. Go outside more? Instead of making fake copycat accounts. (It's kinda pathetic)

-Herpes Out
IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)
Last edited by lVlage#3413 on Apr 13, 2013, 5:47:07 PM
This thread is hilarious.
h3rp3s wrote:
iamstryker wrote:
It will be interesting to see what some people do if they put bear trap where it should be at instead of a high damage skill people use for busts of DPS.

BTW the top of the ladder will be nothing but people with kaoms. Heck give me a kaoms and try to kill me. Would be hilarious.

Yup I agree. Ranked pvp willbe interesting. Hopefully they nerf life regen because koams is kinda OP atm. I too would like to see how these newbs do without traps. /gameover

Kaoms is OP, but life regen is not. Only very specific builds have high life regen.
Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
koams is great but at a huge cost of losing the 5L-6L. and its not like you cant get 1k es on a chest at similar cost to a koams + all the sockets you want. that being said i would rather have 3k more hp than a 5-6L anyways
IGN: High____Lander | xDominus

40 Arena pvper: Bleed_Pig

Guild: <HERB> THC
Last edited by oowarpigoo#5382 on Apr 13, 2013, 7:04:12 PM
Greenbake wrote:
Haha herpes did you miss any skills... ur a joke of a pvper, find somewhere else to cry about ur constant losses due to complete idiotic strat..

ps dom was 100% correct ur geared yet one of the worst pvpers out there, i dominate you without thought..


I fought herpes and he is probably 15x more better than you.You cant say someone is bad at pvp if you use bear traps and conversion traps to waste time.
Batuhan87 wrote:
Greenbake wrote:
Haha herpes did you miss any skills... ur a joke of a pvper, find somewhere else to cry about ur constant losses due to complete idiotic strat..

ps dom was 100% correct ur geared yet one of the worst pvpers out there, i dominate you without thought..


I fought herpes and he is probably 15x more better than you.You cant say someone is bad at pvp if you use bear traps and conversion traps to waste time.

The only way to settle this is a 1v1. LEGGO, IM BRINGING MY POPCORN THIS TIME.
Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
someone call 911!!

Seriously though can't we all just get along?
Standard Forever
iamstryker wrote:
someone call 911!!

Seriously though can't we all just get along?


Haha wow bro you add me as friend becuase i droped you in ur home eu server and then you talk all friendly after which you come onto forums and talk shit behind my back...

oh and btw i never use bear traps even tho mine have very high potential... also ur geared as fuck and yet i beat you the last 2 times we have fought... infact the last time we fought i straight out dpsed you facetanking,

Have some pride koca... two faced, now i see you for what you are

Cry more about losing to someone who has about 1/40 of your gear :)

bump for thread,
Last edited by Greenbake#1447 on Apr 15, 2013, 3:17:45 PM

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