3.18.0b Hotfix 1

Last edited by StickDude on Dec 1, 2022, 7:01:47 PM
How 'bout removing archnemesis mods for now and try again with next league?
Украина в моём сердце
Yeahhh... This league is a complete bust for me. Prolly the first league since I started in Delve that I have difficulty surviving and killing stuff and that's just in the campaign. Plus with loot being as they are, this just isn't fun for me. Hopefully next league will be playtested more before launch.

Good luck with hard mode exiles.
Head honker buffs when

Still keeping archnemesis mods? guess im done with the game.
You're heading in the right direction GGG, hopefully you continue heading in the right direction and get rid of these build breaking mobs. It's obvious though with these puny changes that you do not understand your own game.
kaijyuu2 wrote:
How 'bout removing archnemesis mods for now and try again with next league?

That's what they should do but they won't.
“If freedom of [censored] is taken away, then [censored] and [censored] we may be led, like [censored] to the [censored].” - George Washington
I guess it's a pass for me in this league.
This is the way to go. In some cases, there were still broken combination. I just met unkillable runic monster which I have to skip, don't know what caused it to regen.

I personally really, really love this league. But AN ruin the whole experience, and stressed me out so much that I need to take a break in the first 2 days. Please do consider rebalancing the whole thing. Even using meta build, I am so damn depressed when I interact with league mechanics, and had to run away from magic monster lol.

Last edited by Rhaapsodyy on May 16, 2022, 11:34:57 PM
Seems like a lot of nerfs for something was tested thoroughly.

I get the idea behind the new mods but the way they implemented them into the core game just makes it so people have to ignore certain mobs and "certain" is too high of a % for most builds.

Even before this league I never checked mob tags or cared about them, the game pace is way to fast to do that. I feel bad for people who play non meta shit for fun, they are the ones who get impacted the most.

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