VK : Queue: Submit: ErrorDeviceLost

Same thing apears in Rogue Harbour only. Vulcan in Steam client. It wasn't in the previous league.
Last edited by Kerrubus#1098 on Sep 23, 2023, 3:07:42 PM
Same for me here.
I am 100% sure that the problem is associated with other players (more likely with the MTX that other players use). I was using the GGG game client, and then this problem occurred. (On the 3.22 League start, everything was normal.) I reinstalled Windows, changed to Steam, and still have the same problem. I assume that the incompatibility of drivers and some changes within the past few patches caused this issue. Even though I don't understand why, it seems that the problem appeared a long time ago (I've seen posts from 2022 related to this exact error), and, of course, every player has different PC specs, so the root of the problem remains unknown to me.
Agreed with godaims. It happens when new people enter my hideout or when I'm in town. It happened once also when loading a new MTX of my own.

Pay to crash :(
Yep only recently started happening and I could pinpoint it to a specific UI coming up based on crash timing, only happened on vulcan.

Turns out I was three versions behind on my GPU drivers, updating those fixed it for me.

Edit: Nope, just reduced it. Yeah i'm switching off vulcan for the timebeing.
Last edited by Divinux#2387 on Oct 26, 2023, 2:39:56 PM
Unable to play, same error. Anyone find a solution?
I got this as well since some days. Crashed like 10 times today.

vk::Queue::submit: ErrorDeviceLost
Same issue here on a 3070 TI and Ryzen 5 5600X.

Very annoying.
I'm getting this error also, and I'm using DirectX11 for the renderer.

Ryzen 7 1800X
Also getting that since yesterday. But only on updated windows, old win 10 1.7 gives 0 errors.
It doesn't matter if it's dx or Vulcan same error.
What's funny is that this error keeps coming while game is literally Literally running fine at 60 fps as long as I don't press the ok button.
This sounds like broken programming to me.
One could just add ignore option to this error and game would work fine.
I really don't understand why game has tk shut down instead of simply refreshing the image on this error.

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