3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.

Not following this guide identically, but I did use some ideas from it. I mostly followed Crouching Tuna, but still made my own adjustments. I have no problem spamming flasks (I also have my flask and skill keys inverted e.g. 1-5 are skills and QWERT are flasks) so maybe that helps with wrist issues idk.

Still have some upgrades I could do, but honestly I absolutely smash everything in seconds to the point that I just don't know why I'd need to go much further unless I want to push level 30 Similacrum (got to 27) or do 100% deli maps which I have no interest in. Doing fully juiced T16's (non-Deli) and the only time I ever die is just not paying attention to ground degen (which I swear they buffed this league). Almost capped on Spell suppress (98%) and accuracy could be a little higher (96% chance to hit atm).

Either way, I just wanted to hop in here and thank you guys for your posts as they helped guide me in some decisions here and there.

Oh I'm using an Unnatural instinct as well as a lethal pride (40% increased burning damage and 10% faster ignites). I would like more health, but 5k EHP has really been fine and Bastion of elements is really solid when combined with Molten shell (which I just keep on left click). I get a solid 5-8k shield a lot of the time with those two combined. Plus not having to worry about reflect is always nice. Cheers!
NyRalph0 wrote:

I want to go with Malevolence instaed of Purity of Elements.
Therefore i need in my CWDT setup lifetap support, but it cast only Immortal Call so.
Whitout Immortal Call it cast Molten Shell, someone can tell me whats the problem ?
I don't understand what you are trying to do here.

You can swap in Malevolence for Purity of Elements. They both reserve the same amount of mana. You will have to worry about elemental ailment immunity, of course, and keeping your resistances capped. These should have no effect on your CWDT setup.

You should be running lifetap on all your non-reservation skills.

You should not be running both immortal call and molten shell. They do not work well together, because they are both guard skills, so they share cooldown times. Personally, I'm only running molten shell.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
hey guys, armour mod Recover life on kill works for us?
grimjack68 wrote:
NyRalph0 wrote:

I want to go with Malevolence instaed of Purity of Elements.
Therefore i need in my CWDT setup lifetap support, but it cast only Immortal Call so.
Whitout Immortal Call it cast Molten Shell, someone can tell me whats the problem ?
I don't understand what you are trying to do here.

You can swap in Malevolence for Purity of Elements. They both reserve the same amount of mana. You will have to worry about elemental ailment immunity, of course, and keeping your resistances capped. These should have no effect on your CWDT setup.

You should be running lifetap on all your non-reservation skills.

You should not be running both immortal call and molten shell. They do not work well together, because they are both guard skills, so they share cooldown times. Personally, I'm only running molten shell.

Oh thought it is 35% like other purities. My fault. However its solved.
Now i run malevolence,Grace,determination,Banner and precision. Resis capped
Last edited by NyRalph0#7864 on Feb 22, 2022, 3:20:42 AM
LilCrab wrote:
hey guys, armour mod Recover life on kill works for us?
Usually. Or at least, sometimes. If critters die to the ignite, it counts. If they die to the arrows from the totems, I'm pretty sure it does not.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Hi, took a few leagues off and came back this league with tectonic slam which was an okay league starter. Sold all my gear and transitioned to this and it's so much better. Loving the build and killing every boss I encounter. Even with 4k life, feel decently tanky except for the occasional one shot or degen when I'm not paying attention. Here is my gear

Also have a unnatural instinct, watcher's eye with precision attack speed mod, rain of splinters, and two rare jewels. Also got a large cluster with two mediums with widespread destruction, burning bright, fan the flames, brewed for potency, sleeples sentries, and ancestral echo. Have a few questions:

1) I'm running precision, determination, grace, defiance banner, and low lvl vitalty just b/c I have extra mana. I do have a lvl 2 enlighten. How should I handle my auras? With precision, I have 95% chance to hit, goes down 10% without. Is that worth keeping? If not, then maybe i can fit in purity of elements.

2) What's the next step for my build to increase my DPS. I'm generally happy with it but always want more.

Last edited by Kojack37#6659 on Feb 22, 2022, 5:40:07 AM
Is there a target APS we should be looking for? I'm rocking around 3 per second right now. Not sure if that is enough.

Is there a consensus on which helmet enchant is best?

Clear speed and killing power is good. T16 Elder/Shaper bosses last 10 seconds or less. Got lucky with the polaric devastation drop on my first run at the new boss.

Still squishy though with sub 4k health. I may buy some beachheads and power level to 96. Two more skill points in health would help a lot.

Also trying to determine the next set of upgrades. Have about 7-8 ex worth of currency to use. Should I be looking at a rain of splinters too?

My plan
1. Get an enlighten and squeeze determination in
2. Upgrade Quiver
3. Spell Suppression boots
4. Unnatural Instinct
5. Watchers Eye
6. Helm with an EA enchant
7. Upgrade gloves
8. Quality up the belt

Last edited by ulraththeunclean#6008 on Feb 22, 2022, 10:36:52 AM
sorry newbie question, are mods like increase % elemental damage / % fire damage / increase critical rate / increase accuracy / projectile speed / increased burning damage etc on my gears effect EA totem at all?
Hi Guys,

I know it's elementalist here but I didn't found a champion EA ballista guide!

I'm following Zizaran's Explosive Arrow champion guide in HC league (https://pastebin.com/gp7AfmBT ).
After many death, I finally reached act 3 and level 28 yesterday and I could swap from shattering steel to EA ballista on a 4 link.

I thought I would be over powered but... no!

I've got a lot of difficulty to kill boss or rare mobs... For exemple, it took me 10 minutes to kill Dominus.
So I'm thinking that I'm making something wrong?
When I put the ballistas, the first arrows stick in the mob then they go through and explode on the walls.
I have elemental equilibrium with no fire dammage on my rings/quiver (just lightning).

Well, I don't understand what I'm doing wrong and I'm a little bit affraid of Piety Act 4 or Innocence fights if they take 10 minutes too.

My char :
Cohaveth wrote:
Hi Guys,

I know it's elementalist here but I didn't found a champion EA ballista guide!

I'm following Zizaran's Explosive Arrow champion guide in HC league (https://pastebin.com/gp7AfmBT ).
After many death, I finally reached act 3 and level 28 yesterday and I could swap from shattering steel to EA ballista on a 4 link.

I thought I would be over powered but... no!

I've got a lot of difficulty to kill boss or rare mobs... For exemple, it took me 10 minutes to kill Dominus.
So I'm thinking that I'm making something wrong?
When I put the ballistas, the first arrows stick in the mob then they go through and explode on the walls.
I have elemental equilibrium with no fire dammage on my rings/quiver (just lightning).

Well, I don't understand what I'm doing wrong and I'm a little bit affraid of Piety Act 4 or Innocence fights if they take 10 minutes too.

My char :
You're using a piercing arrow quiver.

EA only sticks a fuse in the last target. So the initial hit won't do any real damage, and all your big damage explosions / ignites are sticking in a wall behind your target.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.

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