[3.17] Galvanic Arrow Deadeye | HCSSF |

iFrageris wrote:
Hi, how can u put trinity and inspiration in green slot? Iam new to game and trying your build ;)

You don't, need to get 4 green, 1 blue and 1 red linked.
Quick update on me trying this build!

So - My first char died level 80 because I was stupid enough to open an unindentified chest with detonate nearby corpse. RIP me.

On this one, it is mainly the same build, except I'm trying to go far shot as ascendancy instead of the one boosting the effect of the mark. I also swtiched the added cold damage for trinity to get some elemental pen, as a lot of monsters have resistance. I do have more DPS, and around the same tankiness as before.

I tried the Eternal Lab, and I was able to reach the last phase of Izaro, but I wasn't lucky with the darkshrine and all the trap were active. I will try again tomorrow.

I need to find a way to boost my armor, potentially with gear. As for the next 1-2 levels, I will put them in spell suppression.

POB: https://pastebin.com/pg47ygED

Any advice are welcome!

doese snipers mark gives more dmg for con part of damage? or only for proj?
Last edited by Kisskess#1857 on Feb 18, 2022, 8:17:21 PM
AirjamTBV wrote:
Is inspiration worth it when linked to totem GA? It buffs me when deployed so I don't think it can boost the turrets and we already use it linked to GA, so it feels a little redundant to me unless it's the only way to spend mana quickly enough to gain the charges in a consistent manner?

I don't know enough about bow builds to know if there's a better option here so hoping someone else might?

Iirc Inspiration is a global buff on you that affects the damage output of all skills linked with Inspiration, no matter which skill was the one casted and had mana spent. So to fully benefit from Inspiration, you should use Inspiration on both totems and your main skill, such that you can maintain high uptime of Inspiration on both your main skill and totems.
LYC14 wrote:
AirjamTBV wrote:
Is inspiration worth it when linked to totem GA? It buffs me when deployed so I don't think it can boost the turrets and we already use it linked to GA, so it feels a little redundant to me unless it's the only way to spend mana quickly enough to gain the charges in a consistent manner?

I don't know enough about bow builds to know if there's a better option here so hoping someone else might?

Iirc Inspiration is a global buff on you that affects the damage output of all skills linked with Inspiration, no matter which skill was the one casted and had mana spent. So to fully benefit from Inspiration, you should use Inspiration on both totems and your main skill, such that you can maintain high uptime of Inspiration on both your main skill and totems.

It's described really badly then as well, as it says not for totems but on the list of compatible gems has a tick next to both my galvanic arrow gems.

I'll see if it feels any different when I next try it.

EDIT: Seems better, more damage seems to be happening anyway. I've got a fairly long way to go with items and upgrades though.
Last edited by AirjamTBV#3906 on Feb 21, 2022, 7:04:49 PM
Quick question, why do you switch from herald of ice to anger? Shouldn't you only need two effects (Cold and lightning) to make full use of the trinity support?
So, this might be a silly question.

What's the best way to use totems, tornado, and hydrosphere?

Do you just use all of them at the same time? Is there a specific context where you use one over the other?
Last time I played was Delirium, so this build has been pretty enjoyable while I figure out everything.

Like someone else said in the thread, mapping has been pretty quick but some of the bosses just take ... a while.

Most of my gear has been SSF. Exceptions to that are the 6L bow (10c for the base) and the Hyrri's Ire (2 exalt).

Trying to improve my gear, but not sure which piece(s) to focus on first.

Any suggestions?

POB: https://pastebin.com/FQfbBgxE
I started this build for 3.18.

Got some questions though. Since I'm SC, I have access to uniques. I've been wondering if the 'Volley Fire' jewel interacts well with GA + Barrage. It seems to up my damage but I haven't calc'd it and I'm interested in seeing more veteran member's thoughts.

Additionally, I'm actually not sure what an endgame bow would look like. Would anyone mind displaying what rolls I should go for, if I should craft it and if there is a better alternative?

This build has been pretty good ever since I slapped on some flat ele dmg rolls from my bow, gloves and quiver- but I am struggling with certain mobs (I think it's mostly because sentinels are overtuned atm, but regardless). It feels like damage output is not there, and I was considering picking up some clusters in the build. Any suggestions as to which nodes to pick up specifically? I'm eyeing the medium cluster jewels with projectile notables.

EDIT: I think I figured out what it was. Most mobs just have the 'resists elemental damage' tag on them. Gonna try to find some ele pen somewhere I guess.

EDIT2: So yeah Volley Fire is for the Barrage ATTACK gem, not the SUPPORT gem which is what we run. I dun goofd.
Last edited by kirenasura33#6120 on May 15, 2022, 2:57:42 PM
kirenasura33 wrote:
I started this build for 3.18.

Got some questions though. Since I'm SC, I have access to uniques. I've been wondering if the 'Volley Fire' jewel interacts well with GA + Barrage. It seems to up my damage but I haven't calc'd it and I'm interested in seeing more veteran member's thoughts.

Additionally, I'm actually not sure what an endgame bow would look like. Would anyone mind displaying what rolls I should go for, if I should craft it and if there is a better alternative?

This build has been pretty good ever since I slapped on some flat ele dmg rolls from my bow, gloves and quiver- but I am struggling with certain mobs (I think it's mostly because sentinels are overtuned atm, but regardless). It feels like damage output is not there, and I was considering picking up some clusters in the build. Any suggestions as to which nodes to pick up specifically? I'm eyeing the medium cluster jewels with projectile notables.

Not sure I'd consider myself a good player but here's what I had at the end of 3.17:

For context, since GA specific info dried up at a certain point I cribbed a lot from LA builds.

For bow I was looking for either an Imperial bow or Thicket bow base with at least two t1 lightning/cold/fire damage. (If you're trading Thicket bow was pricier, so I went with Imperial).
I tried going the 'slam essence' route to build one, but I got impatient and bought one.

I didn't keep track of what my build was like before cluster jewels but I think damage went up and life/defenses went down.

So you'll want to make sure you're getting your spell suppression/resistances/hp/accuracy from your gear.

For jewels I went with:
1 large w/ feed the fury / fuel the fight / martial prowess
1 medium w/ streamlined / aerodynamics
1 medium w/ streamlined / repeater
Inspired learning - fun, but hard to quantify how 'good' it is :)

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