Really good deal for anyone looking to build an Intel based PC

Newegg link: The $100 USD Steam credit makes this a freebie essentially. I built a PC with the AMD version of this board. Nice with the WiFi. Best to stick with the 65 watt processors. 10400/11400
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Last bumped on Jan 1, 2022, 10:27:35 PM
this is pretty much where I am heading because my HD may or may not have died today of a sudden.

Replacing it would only be palliative. Running win 7 off a board from 12 years ago. CPU fan grinds and rattles; some other case fans have gone mercifully silent after a morbid and harrowing vigil. GPU is cobbled together from 3 other GPUs and let's just say the warranty on this sucker was DOA.
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
Hope you guys don't need a video card. Miners and scalper are taking us gamers for a hard ride.

I paid $1000 for a card which nivia says MSRP is $400 and of course in the past you never paid even $400 with sales/rebates.

3060ti FYI.

I'm half Ferangi so I was pissed. Not about money just principle. Ferengis dont pay retail let alone over double.

All joking aside. Made a huge difference. Chris was not joking when he said game loves Vram. Video card not processor makes this game work well. I tested with a a 10 yr old processor 2600K and a brand new one. Felt same.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Dec 16, 2021, 9:48:46 PM
Yeah, those GPU prices are out of control. Best these days to make due with used parts and reduce quality settings. I found a GTX 780 locally at $120 CDN for my X99 Xeon project.

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Aim_Deep wrote:
Hope you guys don't need a video card. Miners and scalper are taking us gamers for a hard ride.

I paid $1000 for a card which nivia says MSRP is $400 and of course in the past you never paid even $400 with sales/rebates.

3060ti FYI.

I'm half Ferangi so I was pissed. Not about money just principle. Ferengis dont pay retail let alone over double.

All joking aside. Made a huge difference. Chris was not joking when he said game loves Vram. Video card not processor makes this game work well. I tested with a a 10 yr old processor 2600K and a brand new one. Felt same.

haha every time someone says they're Ferengi it makes me laugh a little.

Farangi = a Persian word for a (usually gullible) westerner. Literally means "European" and indicates someone who's in over their head with respect to the local economy. It's where the Star Trek moniker comes from, but there it's used to describe the people doing the wheeling and dealing.

In other news my daily boot jumpscare today was "CPU Fan ERROR! Press F1 to continue..." so i guess that is also failing. I visually verified that the fan is spinning, but it's making a lot of noise (which it does periodically) and moving slower. The core temps are acceptable and I just refreshed the paste a few weeks ago so I'm not super worried but the HDD issue is more concerning.

So here we are, shopping for parts in the middle of a supply chain bottleneck wrapped in a pandemic embedded in a crypto goldrush.

I've never had a performance problem with AMD cards, only that their mechanical quality varies widely by subcontractor, and some 6870's have faulty fans and some don't, etc. But never had drivers that just spazzed out with game updates, shaders, or renders. Not like Nvidia which seems to shit the bed every other driver update and you have to either download a patch from the app source or roll back drivers to the last version.

I've been out of the market since 2015 so any suggestions on a win11-potentially-compliant system that will run doom and minecraft with shaders on are welcome. Budget is about 2500 with gusts up to 3200 if there's an important upgrade that promises at least 2 years of expansion capacity. (*Does not need to be Intel based, the old man is running six cores off the old AMD 890GPA-UD3H
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
Hey, crunkatog. With a budget of $2500 (is that US?) you could easily pick up something that will comfortably play any current games at 1440p. I'm not up to speed on pre-built systems, as I have never bought one, but you can certainly buy a new RTX 3070 ti or RX 6800 XT for @ $1500 US and assemble the rest (AMD or Intel) with the remaining $1000.

Maybe someone else can suggest a good pre-built vendor if that's the way you'd rather go.

Either way, I'd be more inclined to limp along on the cheap until the bottom falls out on the mining crap - soonishly.

Edit: Here's something that will easily handle anything you can throw at it 1440p and some 4K. (I'd install a better CPU cooler) Under $1500 USD
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Last edited by The_Impeacher on Dec 27, 2021, 8:03:36 PM
Thanks, was looking to build it mostly from parts but if the prebuilt has a decent mobo and case, the rest is not hard.

edit: psu and cooler are homeopathically tiny for the linked system lol I might just reuse my existing case, it's hueg, have 3 drives 2 gpu's and 4x4 sticks and still plenty of room to futz around, it's just ass to clean (Antec 1200 dismantle the everything before you can clean the fan lint traps).
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
Last edited by crunkatog on Dec 28, 2021, 6:17:22 PM
I do the same! Been building/upgrading in the same old XXL Antec case for over a decade :)
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Last edited by The_Impeacher on Dec 28, 2021, 6:27:03 PM
*slaps hood of beat-up, tape-crusted Antec case* This baby can hold so many RAMs!
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
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