[3.17] Cold Shockwave Totem - Freeze everything - 6 totems

BlackLionXIII wrote:

oh i was using new pob for the 3.17 tree

can you try this PoB? it should work now

My version of the shockwave totem build. One of the most fun I had playing PoE is with this build.


Only downside is the low life pool, forces you to play t16 using your head which is not a bad thing. Just makes it even more fun!

If you plan to play the build and want to level a hiero, here is my PoB for leveling with Winter Orb Totem until you can find the Astral Projector Ring:


this was my leveling PoB, i now bought the ring so i switched to shockwave totem
Last edited by ryuukk33 on Feb 5, 2022, 10:06:26 AM
I think this league, we have potential to make the build even stronger

Look at the helm i just crafted with the new implicit thing, insane (we have 5 power charges in the build)

Last edited by ryuukk33 on Feb 7, 2022, 1:41:43 PM
Little progress update:


I managed to get most of the gear, i am still missing the body armor that'll give me another +1 for the empower, so that'll boost the damage

I still need to figure out defenses, i got really low life right now (3.1k with 1k mana for MoM) that's very rough, specially this league with the new bosses..

Damage: 3.3 millions sDPS, not bad.. i need to upgrade also the weapon, that'll give another boost, and i need finish craft my shield for the +2 min frenzey

And the glove i think is now perfected!

I just need to find a Divergent Shockwave Totem so i cap my convertion! but this thing is pretty rare..

New video, this time fighting Drox!


This is a map with reduced crit damage mod, even with that i managed to beat it pretty easily
Last edited by ryuukk33 on Feb 10, 2022, 10:30:41 PM
hi~ from wolf_eyes .
i did reply to ure YOUTUBE . remember me?
let i put my POB here . https://pastebin.com/Sh6kG1A7 THANK YOU.
hi~ from wolf_eyes .
i did reply to ure YOUTUBE . remember me?
let i put my POB here . https://pastebin.com/Sh6kG1A7 THANK YOU.

hi, looks at my previous POB, i path in a different way on the right, we use the timeless jewel to get the power charge damage buff, it's much better and we can save some points

also i'd change the amulet for the pandemonius, it's easy DPS increase

other than that, it's seems nice! still need few upgrade to make the damage even better on the wand for example
I think i crafted the best wand possible for the build!! got super lucky yesterday and hit the hatred mod on the redeemer exalt slam!! :D

Look at this baby!

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