
Does Multistrike work with Vengeance?
“Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.”
― Christopher Hitchens
My QoL List:
It is dumb when a support gem says something ("Causes you to attack quickly three times with a melee attack.") and then has invisible restrictions to it (not working with Trigger gems).

Players should not have to read the wiki to find out why GGG has broken a very clear mechanical statement in order to understand why their build isn't working.
It's worth noting that +2 maps are a dangerous thing.
They can cause players to get out of their depth -
playing maps that are too hard for the items they currently have. Herp Derp.
xrook wrote:
could you make multistrike attack alternately when dual wielding, the animations in this game is looks like old school diablo 2 and seeing my character attack so 3 times so fast on one hand then move on the other. it looks really weird

it would make more sense if he is attacking alternately with both hands during the multistrike than just one

Please GGG make this be real, I was trying to play dual wield cameria's maul glacial hammer and multistrike solves the issue with melee targeting but the animations look so weird after using it. Without multistrike it was so so cool to hit fast alternating the weapons but very hard to target mobs, after multistrike I had to go two-handed because couldn't stand the animation and a little bit later abandoned the character.
Vipermagi wrote:
That's an intentional downside to Multistrike.

I have been experimenting with a high aspeed one hand duelist and I actually have an easier time fighting izaro without ms. Being unable to cancel the animation is crippling, noticeably worse than not using it.

Because it's a melee only gem I would cite this downside as being too harsh. Being melee is bad enough.
My Keystone Ideas:
Last edited by anubite on Nov 2, 2016, 5:11:37 PM
I think this gem should be removed overall (together with spell echo). It doesn´t work with a lot of melee attacks (like blade flurry, ancestral protector, cyclone or triggers). To all other melee attacks it´s a mandatory support. In a game this complex, invisible restrictions and mandatory gems have no place in my opinion.
3 hits on a target when click on target.

Im using frost blade. When fighting atziri mirror image, i cant just hit a specific image because of frost blade 21 melee range...

It keep jump my attack to random target and cant focus on 1 target...

Is it possible to focus 3 hits on a same target if click on the target, and random target when click on blank space/target die.
That is an intentional downside of Multistrike. Don't use Multistrike if you don't want random targeting.
Vipermagi wrote:
That is an intentional downside of Multistrike. Don't use Multistrike if you don't want random targeting.

too bad to hear that.
Multistrike is so bland.

I am actually having difficulty remembering last time I used multistrike support gem full time.

It was either when I was maybe leveling with vaal ground slam since multistrike is actually useful wit that

or when reave had like 8 regular cap stack and having more attack speed was really important to reach max stack

My last reaver didn't even use multistrike...

My last reaver It was using 5link reave in rime gaze instead at first until I swapped to a hubris for more es since Incandescent heart is low es, and after blade flurry was released I switched it out for far better single target. I think with new ES i can go back to rime gaze though to add Inc aoe for hitting larger packs with heavier bleed

Maybe because I feel builds multistrike goes well with are too bland. I have been building CI melee since onslaught and more successfully since tempest league and ci has better gem options than multistrike. Maybe as the 6th link I would use it...

Also I like the control of free aim. Sometimes mobs are at opposite ends of your cone and since multistrike basically namelocks you, aiming directly at one mob will not hit the other one. Aiming inbetween is required to hit, and multistrike may prevent that with skills like ground slam and reave
Since I can't find any specific thread about it or any official notes that states this, I'll ask here:

Is Multistrike still working with Vaal Lightning Strike or has this been changed/removed? 'Cause as far as I remember it used to work, though I'm not even so sure about that anymore either.

I'm playing on beta by the way, if it was changed, than maybe only from beta onwards and it still works on 2.6?

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